Perhaps John Warner's biggest claim to fame is a distinction he shares with a good-sized chunk of the older male demographic: having once been married to Elizabeth Taylor. But the former Republican senator from Virginia found another way to get himself some attention today: by endorsing Hillary for president. Interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on her MSNBC show this afternoon,
Warner managed to make his endorsement mainly about himself.
In the course of their brief conversation, Warner let it be known: tha
t he had been on the lawn for the famous handshake between Rabin and Araft; that he
had served in both the Navy and the Marines; that
he devoted much of his life "I say with a sense of humility" to national security; that he had been
a leader on the Armed Services committee for 30 years; that
he had been Hillary's "boss" as the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee; and that
the voters in Virginia had "supported me so strongly."