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Free Speech Tag

Despite the risk of litigation, the German newspaper Bild Zeitung has gone ahead with the streaming of an investigative documentary that exposed the extent of Antisemitism in Europe. The French-German broadcaster ARTE had previously shelved the 90-minute documentary that uncovered the complicity of the European Union and Germany government in financing antisemitic groups posing as charities and NGOs. On Tuesday, the German language documentary was streamed for 24 hours on the newspaper’s website. French-German ARTE and German broadcaster WDR, both funded by German taxpayers, commissioned the documentary "Chosen and Ostracised -- The hatred of Jews in Europe," but got cold feet after seeing the finished work. The broadcasters confined the documentary to the archives, hoping to dodge a bitter public reception.

"Blasphemous" social media posts can get you killed in Pakistan. The first of its kind in the middle eastern state, Pakistan recently sentenced a man to death for making "derogatory" remarks about "Sunni religious figures and the prophet of Islam's wives," reports leading German news purveyor, DW. Taimoor Raza, a Shiite Pakistani, was charged and sentenced to death for engaging in a Facebook argument with a government official who later brought charges against him.

As emblems of the Confederacy all across the country are being dismantled, a Texas Antifa group has picked an odd target for their angst -- a well-loved statue of the Republic of Texas' first President, Sam Houston. Sam Houston was a badass if ever there was one. Not only was he an honorary Cherokee, but it took him a measly 18 minutes to defeat Mexican General Santa Anna, effectively ending the Texas Revolution and creating the greatest Republic that ever was.

You know things are bad when even someone as far left as CNN's Fareed Zakaria has noticed that liberal college campuses have a problem with tolerance, free speech and diversity of thought. In a report a few days ago, Zakaria pointed out what many of us have been saying for months. From CNN:
Fareed Zakaria: Liberals think they're tolerant, but they're not Fareed Zakaria said Saturday that though many liberals think they are tolerant, often they aren't.

In March of this year, a mob of students at Middlebury College in Vermont stormed into a talk by sociologist Charles Murray. After shutting down the event, the mob chased chased down Murray and ultimately sent a professor who was assisting him to the emergency room. Since then, the school has claimed twice that students were being disciplined but refused to release details about any punishment. Now we know why. There wasn't any. Scott Jaschik reports at Inside Higher Ed:
No Suspensions Seen at Middlebury More than two months after Charles Murray visited Middlebury College and was shouted down there, the college has finished reviewing and in some cases punishing students who were involved in preventing him from giving his talk.