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Florida Tag

I don't know, President Joe Biden. Maybe we should go with the "neanderthal thinking" when it comes to COVID restrictions. The left lost their minds when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott eliminated the state mask mandate. They still hate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Yet, those states have been recording fewer cases than Democrat-led Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York.

As a federal judge, Hastings was tried and acquitted on charges of conspiracy to solicit a bribe in 1982, but in 1988 he was impeached by the then Democratic lead House on charges of bribery and perjury. The Democratic Senate convicted Hastings in 1989....

60 Minutes "reported" DeSantis engaged in a "pay for play" scheme with Publix. He gave them the contract to distribute COVID vaccinations in exchange for a $100,000 donation. In a statement, Democrat Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner described the 60 Minutes as "intentionally false" and that the news program declined his "insight."

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz was the subject of an explosive report in the New York Times yesterday. The newspaper alleged Gaetz was involved with a 17-year-old girl. There are also claims of sex trafficking. The whole thing is very bizarre. Gaetz responded in an appearance on the Tucker Carlson show.