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Feminism Tag

The world has gone mad, but thank the Good Lord for the National Park Service. A group wanting to bring construct a 45-foot-tall naked lady opposite of the Washington Monument on the National Mall was denied a permit by the National Park Service. The NPS expressed concern that the structure would detract from established historical monuments and possibly damage underlying turf.

Actress Mayim Bialik of "The Big Bang Theory" waded into the Harvey Weinstein scandal by stating that she conducts herself in a manner that is neither immodest nor flirtatious.  Bialik has since felt the wrath of social media for expressing her position on female modesty she notes is rooted in her Jewish heritage and faith. As a result of the backlash to her statements, Bialik has apologized for her statements.
In [a NY Times] op-ed Friday, written [by Bialik] in response to allegations of sexual assault against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the observant Jewish actress said she has long made decisions that she considers “self-protecting and wise.” “I have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate with,” Bialik wrote. “I dress modestly. I don’t act flirtatiously with men as a policy.”

If you've paid any attention to social media this week, you've likely seen several posts saying "me, too." Meant to amplify instances of sexual assault, and prompted by the innumerable Harvey Weinstein victims, women who believe themselves victims of such an instance have been encouraged by their peers to mark themselves by posting "me too" on their social media platforms. Some posts go in to great detail, others simply post those two little words.

President Donald Trump's administration has decided to roll back a portion of Obamacare that mandates a private company must include birth control coverage in health insurance plans. From The Washington Examiner:
The new rules allow any employer to be exempt from the mandate "based on its sincerely held religious beliefs" or on "moral convictions." Employers who decide not to provide coverage do not need to inform the federal government but would need to tell their employees about their decision.

WELCOME TO 2017, SAUDI ARABIA!!! King Salman issued a royal decree to finally allow women to drive in the kingdom. You hear that feminists? Females couldn't drive in Saudi Arabia.

Just weeks until the September election, Merkel government is threatening "legal measures" against large German companies that fail to implement a 'gender quota' by putting more women on their executive boards. In what could simply be cheap antics to garner votes from women, the Merkel government is waging a war against “male-dominated” corporate boardrooms. Germany's Women's Affairs Minister Katarina Barley has “threatened legal measures if the firms fail to fix the problem within the year,” German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday. The Women's Affairs Minister presented a report on the “Corporate Gender Imbalance” to the Merkel-led cabinet this week. According to the report, large German companies had 27.3 percent of women on their supervisory boards. This still isn't good enough for the Merkel government. The State wants large companies to allocate more than 30 percent of seats on their boards to women.

Over the weekend, females gathered in Istanbul's Maçka Democracy Park to protest against harassment other females have received for not dressing conservatively enough. The Hürriyet Daily News reported:
Women shouted slogans, chanting, “Do not mess with my clothes, my shorts, my life” and “Women are powerful together.” People sitting in the park showed their support to the protest with applauses. Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmaker Selina Doğan also attended the protest.

I have noticed lately that people are happy about Wonder Woman since she provides young girls with a positive role model. I enjoy that, too, but she has superpowers. I have no problem with young girls looking up to her, but it's unrealistic. Whether we like it or not, kids of both sexes look up to actors and actresses as role models. How about ordinary females in lead roles who overcome adversity without the help of superpowers? One blog I came across pointed out that these superhero females still give females the "short shrift." Females can be badass, strong, and powerful without the superpowers. To me, those are better role models. I've listed six everyday ordinary females who kicked ass and took names without superpowers.

Saudi Arabia is a country that oppresses females, treating them as second class citizens. Recently, authorities arrested a young woman who wore a skirt and crop top in public. Her head was not covered. The video, posted to Snapchat, "show the woman walking through an ancient fort in Ushayqir, a village in Najd province about 95 miles from the capital, Riyadh," reports the Washington Post.

Neo-feminism abandoned the egalitarian mantle long ago. Instead, the moniker has devolved into a platform to espouse bitter insecurities, mainly through attacking successful, but "wrong-minded" women, and leading a crusade to rid the world of masculinity. MSNBC Political Analyst and self-proclaimed feminist, Joan Walsh made that case better than I ever could. Wednesday, she criticized Ivanka Trump's choice of dress during the G20 summit, calling the "girliness" of her pink frock a "frightening" message.

The left is eating its own again. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, hired bikini clad women to hand out non-dairy treats to the crowd at Wimbledon. Some feminists objected angrily, claiming the organization was objectifying women.