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Next Tuesday, the citizens of Alabama head to polls to vote in the special election for senator between incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who took over after Jeff Sessions became attorney general, and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. President Donald Trump attended a rally in Huntsville, Alabama, on Friday to show his support of Strange. Will this be enough for Strange? After all, polls are too close to call.

Elections officials in Philadelphia discovered that a glitch allowed hundreds of illegal voters to cast ballots in the last decade. From
Commissioner Al Schmidt blamed that on what he said was a PennDot glitch that enabled legal permanent residents to register to vote at kiosks when they applied or renewed for driver’s licenses or registrations.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that the nuclear deal with Iran is not enough to keep pressure on the regime since officials continue with ballistic missile tests and still try to bully regions around it. From Reuters:
“Is this agreement enough? No. It is not, given the evolution of the regional situation and increasing pressure that Iran is exerting on the region, and given increased activity by Iran on the ballistic level since the accord,” Macron told reporters in New York.

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared on NPR's Fresh Air to plug her memoir What Happened. She told host Terry Gross that would not rule out questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election if more proof comes out that Russia did meddle in the election. Former FBI James Comey also comes up in the conversation and yes, Hillary pointed the finger at him...again.

President Donald Trump and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley spoke today at a UN special forum called "Reforming the United Nations, Security, and Development" to kick off a week of meetings. In his remarks, Trump urged the UN to reform, make results its top focus, and reduce its bureaucracy.

For months Morning Joe has offered up a steady stream of apocalyptic condemnation of President Trump: his mental health has been explicitly questioned and comments on Charlottesville were blistered, with one panelist calling on his aides to resign en masse or be "forever tainted with the stench." Just last week, Mika Brzezinski was calling Trump "unhinged," claiming she couldn't distinguish between Trump and Kim Jong Un. All of which makes the praise for President Trump on today's show all the more remarkable. Joe Scarborough led off by observing that "everywhere I've gone, people have been talking about Donald Trump's sort of shift." He praised the president's "even-keeled" tweets and the "steadier" organization inside the White House.

Music to our ears! Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told CBS Sunday Morning that she is through with being a candidate:
Clinton says her career as an active politician is over but says she will stay involved politically. "I am done with being a candidate. But I am not done with politics because I literally believe that our country's future is at stake," she said.

The longer Hillary insists on staying in the public eye, the more she rattles the already beleaguered Democrat Party. Democrats are not happy with Hillary's upcoming book tour for her memoir What Happened. As the party tries to regroup and reconnect, many think Hillary's blame game will only cause more problems.

On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski trashed President Trump in the wake of his visit to Texas yesterday. As Joe Scarborough was describing the positive impact a president's visit to a disaster area will have, Brzezinski butted in to say it was not in Trump's nature to be "human or empathetic." Cut to MSNBC reporter Garrett Haake, standing in deep water in the middle of a Houston highway, who replied:

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump boarded Air Force One this morning (yes, I covered the left losing its mind over her freaking shoes) to survey the damage and speak to Texas officials about recovery. From Fox News:
“We want to do it better than ever before,” Trump said of the recovery. “We want to be looked at in five years or ten years from now as this is the way to do it.”

U.S. President Donald Trump has rejected German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advice on how to handle the North Korean crisis. "Let her speak for Germany," Trump told reporters yesterday referring to the statement made by Merkel earlier in the day. "She's a very good friend of mine," Trump said. "Maybe she's referring to Germany, she's certainly not referring to the United States." Merkel had criticised Trump’s recent statements aimed at North Korean regime, saying, "I consider a verbal escalation to be the wrong response." “Trump reacts to Merkel rebuke with a clear message," reported the leading German daily Die Welt.  The country's state-run broadcaster Deutsche Welle came to Merkel's defense, complaining, peace-loving German Chancellor "advocate[s] an international diplomatic response" and "Trump ignores Merkel's pleas against violence."

While the Liberal media has been busy trashing the Trump presidency, President Emmanuel Macron’s popularity in France has been in a free fall. Just three months into the presidency, Macron’s poll numbers have hit a historic low, plummeting 50 percent since he took office in May. France’s Ifop polling agency writes, “Apart from Jacques Chirac in July 1995, a newly elected president has never seen his popularity rate falling as quickly during the summer after the election." As the Washington Examiner correctly pointed out, "Trump is more popular than French favourite Macron." “The thing about Emmanuel Macron is that, in the end, everyone gives way to the charm,” wrote the BBC in the run-up to the French election. "The guy could seduce an office chair," claimed the broadcaster, quoting some 'anonymous source' -- perhaps an office chair. As it, however, turns out, that “irresistible charm”, as BBC like to put it, isn’t working on the French public anymore.

At a rally for President Donald Trump, West Virginia Governor Governor Jim Justice announced he will switch from the Democrat party to the Republican Party. From KGOU:
"Today I will tell you with lots of prayers and lots of thinking, I'll tell you West Virginians, I can't help you any more being a Democrat governor," Justice said. "The Democrats walked away from me," the governor argued, and reflected that his late mother, who was a big fan of former President Ronald Reagan, was looking down on him thinking, "Jimmy, it's about damn time you came to your senses."