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Anxious to shift the national conversation from the worst terror attack on U. S. soil since 9/11, Democrats see an opportunity to accomplish that while simultaneously pushing to disarm law-abiding citizens. Democrats, eager to keep their gun grabbing plans on the front burner, are taking their protest against the Second and Fourth Amendments outside their pillow fort in the House and to town halls, conference tables, and press conferences on Wednesday, June 29th, their designated "day of action." The Hill reports:
Energized by their recent takeover of the House floor, the Democrats are eying a series of tactics and events for members to bring to their home districts through the break, including a "national day of action" designed to remind voters that Republicans have refused to bring the issue on the floor. In a letter sent to all Democrats on Friday, the organizers behind the sit-in urged their colleagues to "build the momentum" created by the protest, in hopes of forcing the Republicans' hands by dint of public pressure.

The Democratic Party is apparently taking cues from progressive campus protesters now. In a move reminiscent of a safe space at Mizzou, congressional proponents of gun control staged a sit-in on the House floor yesterday. The irony is that these aging, 1960's obsessed hipsters disguised as elected officials were actually protesting civil rights. Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist explains:
Democrats Shut Down Congress With Anti-Civil Rights Sit-In. Good! Democratic members of Congress on Wednesday staged a sit-in on the floor of the House to oppose gun rights.

A 19 year old man was arrested at a Trump rally in Las Vegas over the weekend when he tried to grab a gun from a police officer. The man, now identified as Michael Sandford, is originally from the UK and has admitted to authorities that his intention was to kill Donald Trump. The Daily Mail reports:
Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman's firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before A British man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire Republican presidential candidate. Anti-Trump protester Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who appeared in court on Monday, even went to a gun range on Friday so he could learn how to shoot.

Russian government hackers have attacked the Democrat National Committee (DNC) and stole their research on presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. The attack went on for over a year. DNC officials and security experts said the hackers read emails and chat traffic. They believe they did not gain access to donor's private information, leading them to call it "traditional espionage" and not "criminal hackers." From The Washington Post:
“It’s the job of every foreign intelligence service to collect intelligence against their adversaries,” said Shawn Henry, president of CrowdStrike, the cyber firm called in to handle the DNC breach and a former head of the FBI’s cyber division. He noted that it is extremely difficult for a civilian organization to protect itself from a skilled and determined state such as Russia. “We’re perceived as an adversary of Russia,” he said. “Their job when they wake up every day is to gather intelligence against the policies, practices and strategies of the U.S. government. There are a variety of ways. [Hacking] is one of the more valuable because it gives you a treasure trove of information.”

Ask any Democrat how they feel about Trump's proposed border wall and you'll be met with outrage. According to most liberals, such a concept is racist, xenophobic and utterly unnecessary. Building a wall doesn't solve anything . . . unless it's used to protect delegates and other high ranking officials in the Democratic Party. NBC News in Philadelphia reports:
Wells Fargo Center, Xfinity Live! to Be Inside DNC Security Perimeter Security at the Sports Complex during the Democratic National Convention next month will include “no-scale fencing” to enclose the Wells Fargo Center and Xfinity Live!, the Secret Service special agent in charge said in an interview Thursday.

Elizabeth Warren was too cowardly to endorse a candidate during the 2016 Democratic primary but now that Hillary has safely crossed the finish line and Bernie's revolution is fading in the rear view mirror, Warren is going all in for Clinton. Elizabeth Warren's endorsement of Hillary Clinton proves she is a fraud. This is not a matter of opinion, this is fact. Donald Trump may be a wealthy man but Hillary Clinton is the indisputable candidate of Wall Street in this election. The fact that Warren would stand "with her" is proof that all of Warren's anti-Wall Street rhetoric is nothing more than hot air which disappears in the face of partisanship.

Bonnie Schaefer, a member of the Democratic Party's platform committee, recently said that, in her opinion, no one should own a gun. As you absorb this story, bear in mind that her statement wasn't caught on a hidden camera. This was said plainly and openly as if she was opining on her favorite kind of music. Aaron Kliegman reported at the Washington Free Beacon:
DNC Platform Committee Member Doesn’t Think ‘Anyone Should Have a Gun’ A member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee said at a planning event Wednesday that she does not believe anyone in the United States should own a gun.

When it comes to putting Elizabeth Warren on the ticket with Hillary Clinton, the Democrats have a conundrum. On one hand, Warren would excite the party's progressive base and help shore up Sanders supporters. On the other hand, Warren's vacated senate seat could be filled by a Republican appointed by Republican Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker. Harry Reid is reportedly looking into ways to get around the senate issue. Politico reports:
Source: Reid promoting Warren for VP Harry Reid is quietly promoting Elizabeth Warren as a top pick to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, and the Senate minority leader is already looking into Massachusetts law to see how quickly her Senate seat could be filled if Warren were to ascend to the vice presidency, a source close to him said Friday.

It makes perfect sense that Bernie Sanders is the favored candidate of the Occupy Wall Street movement. His anti-capitalism rhetoric fits perfectly with the group's ideology. It's therefore hardly a surprise to learn that many of his supporters are planning to use Occupy style tactics to protest Hillary's nomination at the Democratic National Convention in July. Peter Hasson reports at the Daily Caller:
Twenty Thousand Committed To Anti-Hillary ‘Occupy DNC’ Protest More than twenty thousand people have committed to protest Hillary Clinton’s likely nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — and that number is quickly growing.

What could be seen as the final act in Venezuela’s worsening economic crisis, the Latin American country has begun selling its remaining gold reserves. Just three year after the death of its socialist leader, Venezuela -- once a leading oil producer -- is on the verge of bankruptcy. It is yet another 'miracle of socialism' that a country with the world's largest oil reserves can go almost broke. Venezuela's total oil reserves stand at an estimated 296.5 billion barrels, which is higher than Saudi Arabia’s 265.4 billion barrels. But the cash-strapped country is struggling to get investments and technical expertise to convert its oil reserves into revenue. Socialist leader Hugo Chávez got elected as country’s President in 1999 and introduced the ideology of “Socialism of the 21st Century”. Chávez enacted a new constitution, taking control of the state and the economy to carry out his “socialist revolution”.

As we've seen for months, the burning question thrown at Republican candidates around the nation has been, "Will you support Donald Trump if he's the nominee?" Democrats and media alike have worked to tie republican candidates to the newly declared presumptive GOP presidential nominee, who is arguably the most despised political candidate in modern U.S. history. Unfortunately, 24 GOP Senate seats are up for election in November, many of which the Democrats see as ripe for the plucking. Due in part to the Tea Party effect in 2010, the Democrats are only defending 10 seats. Even worse, as the Huffington Post points out, is the fact that 6 of the Republican senators are in states that President Obama won twice. The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee has wasted little time, launching its "Party of Trump" campaign back in March. The effort seeks to scorn vulnerable Senate Republicans with their prior remarks, including those promising that they would support the Republican presidential nominee, whoever he or she turns out to be.

As he has repeatedly stated, Obama is confident that a Democrat will win the White House in November, and now Harry Reid is expressing that he is "fairly certain" that Democrats will take back the Senate this year. The Hill reports:
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on Sunday that he thinks his party will win back the majority in the Senate this year. During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, Reid detailed the Democratic efforts against several vulnerable GOP senators up for reelection this year.
Considering that Democrats need win only five Senate seats (they currently have 46 seats, including the two Independents who caucus with them) to accomplish this goal and given the disarray on the right, Reid's prediction seems far less laughable than it would have only a year ago. The Hill continues:
“We only need four [seats] to take the majority,” he said. “With the numbers I’ve given you, it’s going to be a fairly certain thing that we can do that.”

Conservative author, speaker and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza has a new movie coming out in July of this year and as you'll see in the official trailer below, it's going to examine the racist and corrupt beginnings of the Democratic Party as well as his own incarceration for violating campaign finance law. FOX News has more:
Dinesh D'Souza releases trailer for 'Hillary's America' film Political commentator Dinesh D'Souza released the trailer for his upcoming film "Hillary's America" on Saturday during his presentation at CPAC.

One of the best things Republicans have going for them in 2016 is voter enthusiasm. So far in the primary process, voter turnout greatly favors the GOP over Democrats. Phillip Bump reports at the Washington Post:
1 million more people have voted in Republican primaries than Democratic ones We've been tracking the discrepancy between turnout in the Democratic and Republican primaries and caucuses since Iowa — the night it became very clear that people coming out to vote for Republicans were turning out much more heavily.

The Democratic Party's acceptance of socialism isn't a new phenomenon. In fact, we've documented it on this blog many times. Now Politico is reporting a new poll which confirms that most Democrats are fine with this:
Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact' The term ‘socialist’ once was used as an epithet in American politics. Perhaps no more. In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.

Bernie Sanders supporters who were excited about his big win in New Hampshire were surprised to learn Sanders and Clinton would leave the Granite State with an equal number of delegates due to the DNC's use of so-called Superdelegates. Yesterday on CNN, Jake Tapper confronted DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on this topic. Josh Feldman of Mediaite has the details:
Tapper Confronts Wasserman Schultz on the Charge Dem Superdelegates ‘Rig’ the Process One of the biggest controversies coming out of New Hampshire is the Democratic superdelegates helping boost Hillary Clinton from an over-20-point-loss to a tie. CNN’s Jake Tapper confronted DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz about this today, asking her what she would say to people who believe “it’s all rigged” against Sanders.

Now that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton split the vote in Iowa and are essentially tied in some polls, nervous Democrats are starting to think another old, white person might be able to save the day. Reuters reports:
Democratic donor contacts Biden allies about possible run A prominent Democratic donor worried about the party's chances of winning the presidency emailed dozens of fans of Vice President Joe Biden on Friday, urging them to remain prepared to donate if Biden jumps into the race. The donor, Bill Bartmann, cited new polling showing Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont nearly tied with the Hillary Clinton, eroding the 30-point lead the former secretary of state held at the end of last year. Bartmann and other party insiders are concerned that Sanders, a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, is too far to the left to win against a Republican in the Nov. 8 presidential election.