Critical Race Theory | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 56
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Critical Race Theory Tag

Coca-Cola Company is now mandating racial quotas for how its outside law firms staff Coca-Cola work. Not just aspirations to increase diversity, straight out minimums based on race. In the zero sum game of how a limited number of matters are staffed by a limited number of lawyers, that means Coca-Cola is mandating that law firms engage in racism.

The left's efforts to tear down the past may have started with the toppling of historical statues, but it is now working its way into other areas such as literature and education. A teacher in Lawrence, Massachusetts, recently claimed on Twitter that Homer's Odyssey had been removed from the curriculum.

The same social justice nonsense we deal with in the United States has been embraced by many other countries as well. While many American institutions are engaged in a struggle over 'critical race theory' training, England has decided to drop 'unconscious bias training' for civil servants. After trying it, people are realizing that it doesn't really change anything.