Rand Paul wins CPAC presidential straw poll
Poll dominated by young people age 18-25...
Poll dominated by young people age 18-25...
Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson took the stage at CPAC Saturday, where he focused on a number of issues. Carson opened by speaking about his dreams as a child to become a physician and the amazing opportunity his career path provided for him, saying "...
Among the speakers so far on day three of CPAC was Daniel Hannan, British conservative and member of the European Parliament. Of the many points made by Hannan, who offered some interesting perspective from the outside, one touched upon "restoring order and sanity to the federal...
Rand Paul addressed the crowd at CPAC today in a speech that was largely focused on the constitution and civil liberties. The Kentucky Senator drew applause as he criticized the federal government's policies on domestic surveillance. "Yet, as our voices rise in protest, the NSA monitors your...
Texas Governor Rick Perry kicked off the second day of CPAC with a speech that prompted loud applause and cheers. "I'm reminded this morning of words that speak to the American soul," Perry said in the early part of his speech. "Words spoken by Thomas Jefferson,...
"We are the party of compassion, we always have been."...
I am pleased to announce that I received the award for Blogger of the Year from the National Bloggers Club last night at the Blog Bash 2014 event held near the CPAC conference. Legal Insurrection was well represented at the event -- from left to right --...
National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre is expected to take the stage to speak at CPAC 2014 at 2:30pm ET today, coverage begins at 2:15pm ET. Legal Insurrection reader Dmacleo sent us a note that it will be livestreaming at The Conservative...
Kicking off this morning’s roster of speakers at CPAC 2014 was Texas senator Ted Cruz. In introducing Cruz, the president and publisher of Regnery Publishing said this: “If you’ve attended CPAC in the past, you know that the speakers you’ll hear from will shock, delight, amaze, inform,...
Today marks the opening of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual event organized by the American Conservative Union. The conference - already underway - features a variety of panel discussions and speeches from notable lawmakers and influencers. The current schedule includes, among others, Sen....
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