Lewis and Clark Profs Push Free Speech Statement After Shutdown of Christina Hoff Sommers
"[I]t is not the proper role of the institution itself to attempt to shield individuals from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome"...
"[I]t is not the proper role of the institution itself to attempt to shield individuals from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome"...
"IUP President Michael Driscoll announced at a press conference Monday"...
“I hope that [the Clemson University Police Department] catches who did this"...
“The Student Veterans Association was poorly organized"...
"many also approve of limits on speech"...
"they use evil and insidious strategies and don’t have facts"...
"a socio-political system that distributes power, privilege and benefits unequally"...
"we’re already seeing the beginnings of a de facto divorce of universities"...
"This goes for the GUINNESS BOOK of the century!"...
“We must acknowledge that, for students, the public square has moved online”...
“Psyched to be writing the introduction"...
"can be earned by any student who completes 6 classes in reproductive justice issues"...
“Nice display!”...
"All white people are white in the context of a society that continues to disadvantage people of color"...
"growth stems from an increase in the amount of strong candidates applying for the position"...
"decision comes after the university’s SFL group filed a suit"...
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