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College Insurrection Tag

Oberlin College President Carmen Twillie Ambar has staked out an aggressive posture in reaction to the massive $11 million compensatory and $33 million punitive damage verdicts awarded Gibson's Bakery and its owners against Oberlin College and its Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo. Those verdicts likely will be reduced under Ohio's tort reform law, but still likely will be in the 8-figure range, how high in the 8-figures will be one of the major post-trial fights.

The massive compensatory and punitive damage verdicts against Oberlin College and in favor of Gibson's Bakery and it's owners 91-year-old Allyn W. Gibson and his son David Gibson, have captured substantial attention. Almost none of that attention has been favorable to Oberlin College, with withering Op-Eds eviscerating Oberlin College and its social justice warfare gone mad.

Oberlin College has taken a public relations beating in the wake of the massive verdicts against it and its Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo in the Gibson's Bakery case. The verdicts totaled $44 million, but those will be reduced under Ohio's tort reform law -- how much they are reduced will be the subject of court litigation, but there will be a substantial reduction (perhaps more than half) in all likelihood. The stories are too numerous to list, but there has been widespread criticism of Oberlin College's conduct.

Harvard Law School professor Ron Sullivan Jr. and his wife Stephanie Robinson, who also teaches at the school, were removed from their positions as residential deans for Harvard's Winthrop House this spring. They were targeted by social justice warriors on campus who claimed they felt "unsafe" due to Sullivan's decision to join the defense team of Harvey Weinstein, even though he dropped Weinstein when he learned the trial would conflict with his teaching schedule.