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Princeton Prof Claims Trump’s Enforcement of Immigration Laws is ‘Terrorism’

Princeton Prof Claims Trump’s Enforcement of Immigration Laws is ‘Terrorism’

“terrorizing families in communities who think they’re going to be snatched away from their kids”

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and has been contracted by a disproportionate number of people in academia. Here is a recent example.

The College Fix reports:

Princeton prof: Trump’s enforcement of immigration law is ‘terrorism’

Princeton professor of religion and African-American Studies Eddie Glaude was up to his usual antics on MSNBC yesterday.

First, Glaude lauded the fact that Kyle Kashuv — the Parkland, Florida school shooting survivor whose acceptance to Harvard was recently withdrawn after racist comments from his teenage years were made public — was denied the Ivy League, and tied his past remarks to President Trump’s “hateful rhetoric.”

“I think it’s important that it sends a message to the broader public, that this sort of language, these sorts of beliefs and commitments cannot be sanctioned in the public domain whatsoever because we are so awash in this hatred now,” he said.

Ironically, Kashuv’s comments were never intended to be part of the “public domain.”

According to The Daily Caller, a bit later Glaude referred to President Trump’s tweet about deporting “millions of illegal aliens” as a “terrorist act.”

He is terrorizing families in communities who think they’re going to be snatched away from their kids, who have to walk around daily wondering whether an [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] agent will show up at work and snatch them, and then they won’t have their family. …


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“who have to walk around daily wondering whether an agent will show up at work and snatch them”

Doesn’t every unconvicted criminal have to wonder that? I’m not seeing the problem.

The complete solution to the problem is to walk around daily . . . in the direction of Mexico. That would get them out of the clutches of Orange Man Bad, and turn them into honest men. Win-win!

College “professors” are a dime a dozen. The greatest source of domestic terrorism is the MSM, public school teachers, Congress, public unions, renegade judges and born-dumb-democrats.

He says “these sorts of beliefs and commitments cannot be sanctioned in the public domain”.

So who’s the terrorist really?