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While a lot of pundit claim that the Wuhan coronavirus crisis has damaged Joe Biden's campaign by pushing him off center stage, in fact being off center stage is the best things that's happened to Biden's campaign. Biden obviously had 'cognitive decline' issues -- that's not a medical diagnosis, but an observation any honest person watching him in action the past few months recognizes. He repteadedly loses track of what he is saying, has trouble finding words, and appears to read from notes in what should be spontaneous interviews.

I was interviewed by a major media outlet today about my take on media coverage of Trump's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Let's see if any of it runs. One point I made is that it is clear that the major media (NYT, WaP0 and the networks other than Fox) frame their coverage and questions so at to seek soundbites that can be used against Trump. It's always a set up, and Trump doesn't fall for it and pushes back, and then we have a dust up.

CNN's Chris Cuomo announced Tuesday that he tested positive for COVID-19 saying, "I just hope I didn't give it to the kids and Cristina. That would make me feel worse than this illness!"

Last week, the media worked itself into one of their seemingly daily hyper-drive sky-is-falling hissy fits over an intelligence briefing. During said briefing, Shelby Pierson falsely—or, to be more charitable, mistakenly—claimed that intelligence shows that Russian interference in the 2020 election is due to their preference for President Trump.

Tuesday, Professor Jacobson blogged about one of THE most tone-deaf cable news segments I've ever seen. A CNN panel hosted by Don Lemon, billing Rick Wilson, (a former Republican political consultant who sold his soul to the NeverTrump brigade and now poses as a token "Republican" on CNN and MSNBC to trash actual Republicans and right-leaning folk) were overcome with fits of laughter while mocking Trump and Trump supporters as bassackwards hillbillies, ignoramuses, and simpletons.

Can we all just agree, Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned CNN into a total trash network? Like the proverbial broken clock, a couple of times a day they do actual journalism, but the rest of the time it is a broken network hemorrhaging viewers while devolving into self-parody.