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Canada Tag

President Donald Trump's administration failed to reach a deal with Canada, Mexico, and the European Union, which led the president to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Trump gave these three an extension when he brought up tariffs last month, but Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the administration will not renew the tariffs. Imported steel will receive a 25% tariff while aluminum will have a 10% tariff.

Canada is apparently struggling with an immigration problem. Our neighbor to the north has reportedly become overwhelmed by illegal border crossings of people seeking refugee status. According to Reuters, that's a result of Trump's crackdown south of the Canadian border.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's first official visit to India is grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons. "Why India is being really rude to Justin Trudeau," lamented Washington Post in an opinion piece. "There seems to be no end to the Indian snubbing of the Canadians, even as the Trudeaus are trying their best to disarm the Indians with a charm offensive," the newspaper continued. Indian Prime Minister Modi remained conspicuously absent during his Canadian counterpart's eight-day visit to India.

WAIT A SECOND. I thought Canada welcomed refugees and those seeking asylum with open arms? Haven't Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other officials mocked President Donald Trump and others here in America because they simply want people to follow our laws? It seems that loving Canada has deported 2,000 North Korean asylum seekers because they allegedly lied on refugee forms. The country is ready to deport up to 150 more.

Friday, eleven-year-old Khawlah Noman claimed that while she was walking to her school with her ten-year-old brother, a scissor-wielding Asian man in his 20s used scissors in repeated attempts to cut her hijab. Once she got to school, she told school officials who then escalated the complaint up the chain until the girl was sitting in front of a bevy of news cameras and Canada's Prime Minister was issuing statements on the incident.

There have been three reported terrorist attacks.  One occurred in Marseille, where two women were killed, and two occurred in Edmonton, where at least five people have been wounded. Edmonton police believe the two attacks there are related, possibly involving the same terrorist.  The terrorist was later arrested and is now in police custody. At a railway station in Marseille, a terrorist stabbed two females, killing them both.  Witnesses report that he yelled "Allahu Akbar" before being shot dead by French military personnel who were patrolling the station.

I couldn't help but chuckle reading the latest Wall Street Journal report detailing Canada's lack of charity to incoming immigrants. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the progressive hero of the hour when a newly inaugurated Trump issued his first travel executive order, attempting to temporarily curb immigration from known state sponsors of terror.

Migrants who have either just arrived in America or been here for awhile have started to venture into Canada in record numbers by using the back roads to take advantage of loopholes in Canada's immigration system. The Associated Press reported:
Under the 2002 Safe Country Agreement between the United States and Canada, migrants seeking asylum must apply to the first country they arrive in. If they were to go to a legal port of entry, they would be returned to the United States and told to apply there. But, in a quirk in the application of the law, if migrants arrive in Canada at a location other than a port of entry, such as Roxham Road, they are allowed to request refugee status there.