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boycott Tag

I don't think we've had a boycott of an entire state in a while. California was boycotted over Prop. 8, and so was Utah because it has a lot of Mormons.  There also was a Mormon boycott, a boycott of a hotel whose owner supported Prop. 8,...

The folks behind the "Stop Rush" web page which Limbaugh has highlighted in his tweets (and which I mentioned in some of my posts) have opened a new website, The website tracks advertisers, is supposed to show how efficient and effective the anti-Rush movement is,...

Very, very interesting. I had heard from a reader a couple of weeks ago that she heard a Carbonite ad running on the Rush Limbaugh show on a radio station in Texas: I was in the car running errands so I just don't remember the exact time....

Remember the BP boycott? Apparently, this owner does not even though his vehicle has a "Boycott BP" sticker on it.  The gas was probably a penny cheaper than the boycott-free stations down the street. From reader John: I spotted this guy filling up at a BP station in...

There has been a lot of attention paid to Arby's announcement that it no longer would advertise on the Limbaugh show. It was particularly interesting because Arby's did not advertise to begin with, so it purely was a political statement, and was the subject of a...

Not taking responsibility (h/t reader Tony): More about Arby's here. If you are on Twitter, you can reach Arby's at @arbys, or at its Facebook page, or at its Contact page. There's probably not much we can do to prevent cowardly companies from giving into boycott threats, except to...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation's fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is that pro-choice...

You all know about the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers. Media Matters threw its full weight into the boycott, continues to work on it, and so-called "independent" groups continue to tweet away and call mostly local advertisers. The boycott intimidation tactics failed to remove Limbaugh from...

Kohler, based in Wisconsin, has joined the Rush Limbaugh boycott, according to tweets it sent out yesterday from its Twitter account, @Kohler: It is not clear that Kohler actually ever advertised on the Limbaugh show, almost certainly not nationally.  This may be another of the pre-emptive...

I have been covering political boycotts frequently since the inception of this blog, including the Prop 8 boycotts, the Mormon Boycott, the DNC boycott, the Beck boycott, the King & Spalding boycott, boycotts of various states for various reasons, the anti-Israel boycotts, and so on. So when...

The reason I have pushed back against the Rush boycotters has nothing to do with Rush.  Social media anonymity has allowed all sorts of implied and explicit threats against advertisers and others as a means of shutting down speech, particularly conservative speech. Twitter is just one part...

As posted yesterday, the people still pushing the Limbaugh advertising boycott rely on bombarding advertisers with Twitter messages, and have developed strategies to maximize the apparent number of tweets sent to advertisers, through retweets and multiple tweets by single users. It is not hard to see...

The advertiser boycott of Rush Limbaugh appears to be cracking, and Rush's move to Twitter has boycott organizers worried. Behind the scenes, anecdotal evidence suggests that advertising either never really was impacted at the local level, or to the extent it was it has returned to normal.  Via...

When Rush Limbaugh sent his now famous "first tweet," Twitter went wild.  It was as if a tweet had flapped its wings in South America causing chaos in the political system. There were many postive reactions.  Surprisingly, there were no negative reactions which crossed any lines, at least...

As detailed yesterday, the Media Matters employee spearheading efforts to pressure advertisers to stop advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show considered the March 3 Saturday night announcement by Carbonite that it was ceasing all advertising on Rush's show to be a turning point. Just the day before,...

here in paradise. The Blog Post That Drove Rush Limbaugh to Tweet #FF Rush? He starts tweeting @limbaugh Educational purposes? No typos, but still he gives advice. Anti-Rush Campaign Was in the Works. We have not been worthy since at least 1990. Totally Bogus that 98 Advertisers are Targeting Hannity, Beck, Levin. Politico's...