Border Crisis | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 37
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Border Crisis Tag

Democrats and leftists continue to demagogue illegal alien "family separation" as if it is something that just started under President Trump.  They've gone so far as to call for #AbolishICE, despite strong public and Congressional support for the agency. Now their situation becomes even more dicey as their hysterical narrative is threatened. Border control agents report that increasing numbers of children are being used by illegal aliens as a "commodity" to avoid long-term detention.  The children are not arriving with their own parents, but are being claimed as such to Border Control.

As a "caravan of migrants" makes its way to our Southern border, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are working in tandem to tighten border security. The migrants are marching toward our southern border with the intent of entering the U. S. by seeking asylum, crossing illegally, or by exploiting the ongoing “catch and release” policy. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reported a 203% increase in illegal border crossings from March 2017 to March 2018 and a 37% increase from February 2018 to March 2018.

Over the weekend, Fuzzy blogged about a caravan of hundreds of Central Americans crossing over into Mexico in an attempt to cross America's border. The people want to apply for asylum or slip into the country illegally. At first, Mexico didn't do anything to stop them, but officials decided late Monday night to disband the caravan. The government will allow disabled people and pregnant women to stay. The others must leave.

President Donald Trump and Congress are preparing for another round of negotiations over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), this time without the national budget being held hostage.
The program expires March 5, leaving the nearly 2 million people eligible for DACA vulnerable to deportation, unless Congress acts on immigration reform and secures them legal protection.

The Department of Homeland Security trumped the Environmental Protection Agency, waiving numerous rules that could have delayed the construction of the border wall between the United States and Mexico with lawsuits or studies.
Laws intended to protect endangered species and habitat at the border by requiring environmental impact reports can be circumvented by a wavier issued by the department, it said. The announcement was only tied to the San Diego area.

Thirty-eight people, eight of whom were deceased, were found in the back of an 18-wheeler in a San Antonio Walmart parking lot.  Temperatures reaching as high as 100 degrees and a lack of water are believed to have been the cause of the deaths. Authorities are calling it a "horrific" human trafficking case involving the smuggling of illegal aliens across the porous Southern border.  San Antonio is suing Texas Governor Gregg Abbott over the state's law banning sanctuary cities. Fox News reports:
Eight people were found dead Sunday morning inside a sweltering 18-wheeler parked outside of a San Antonio Walmart in what police called a horrific human trafficking case.

Obama, dubbed "the food stamp president," presided over an alarming increase in the number of people on food stamps:  as of 2013, there was a 70% increase from 2008 in the number of people on food stamps. Now it appears that illegal aliens, as well as legal aliens and those illegals who head households that include legal aliens, are cancelling their SNAP benefits because of their perception that being on food stamps will either draw the attention of ICE or impair their chance of becoming U. S. citizens. The Washington Post reports:
In the two months since President Trump’s inauguration, food banks and hunger advocates around the country have noted a decline in the number of eligible immigrants applying for SNAP — and an uptick in immigrants seeking to withdraw from the program.

With German Chancellor Angela Merkel threatening U.K. with tough trade negotiations -- or ‘hard Brexit, -- for daring to leave the E.U., the Trump presidency has come at a very opportune time for the beleaguered British government. President-elect Donald Trump's proposed U.S.-U.K. trade deal could destroy EU's designs, Professor Ted Malloch said, the man tapped to be the next U.S. ambassador to the E.U. in the Trump administration while talking to the British newspaper Daily Express. Malloch, who is reportedly being vetted by the presidential transition team, was optimistic about a bilateral trade agreement once U.K. formally leaves the union. "I would hope on the day Britain triggers Article 50 [formal notification of withdrawal from the E.U.], Mrs. May will be able to announce we’ve just started discussions with the United States – an even larger market for free trade," Malloch said.

Human smugglers are using President-elect Trump's election victory to drum up business, telling people that they better hurry up and get into the U. S. before Trump takes office and puts a stop to illegal immigration.  Combined with individual and family decisions to sneak across the border into our country, this sales pitch has led to a massive influx of illegal aliens flooding across our southern border. The Orlando Sentinel reports:
Along the route through Mexico, no one was really sure how to say Trump's name. Smugglers called him "El Malo" (the bad one) or "El Feo" (the ugly one) and told the migrants they had better hurry north before his wall went up. . . . . By winning the election, Trump may have inadvertently made his job even harder. His plans have become a selling point for the smugglers urging people to cross the border before a wall goes up, according to migrants and officials in the United States and Mexico. Others were hoping Clinton would win and offer them some form of blanket amnesty, according to Border Patrol agents.

While everyone focuses on the presidential election, Judicial Watch reports that the number of "family units' entering the U. S. via Mexico has doubled, and unaccompanied minors entering are up by 52%. Judicial Watch reports:
While the nation is absorbed with presidential election theatrics, the Obama administration continues letting huge amounts of illegal immigrants to pour in through the southern border and the latest figures released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are incredibly chilling. The number of family units apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2016 nearly doubled from the previous year, according to updated information released by the agency. The majority of these illegal border crossers will remain in the country under Obama’s special refugee and family reunification programs.