Blogging | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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This year I decided to sort my posts by month and just pick a favorite from almost each one. It's been such a crazy year, I figured this might simplify things. Here we go.

The Algemeiner “was founded in 1972 by famed journalist Gershon Jacobson as Der Algemeiner Journal and was originally published in Yiddish.” It’s one of the leading “Jewish” publications, more moderate in its politics than some others, and a source we frequently link to for matters regarding the anti-Israel movement on campuses.

Last Thanksgiving was the worst Thanksgiving I have ever had. My husband and I got up and dressed in the morning and headed to the NICU to spend some precious time with our four-day-old son, Baby Walt and had planned to come back and do our best to enjoy the rest of the day with our daughters and family. Walter was born with a very rare congenital heart defect of which he had an incredibly severe case, one we were not aware of until his birth.

Inside Higher Ed provides pretty thorough and good coverage of, ahem, higher ed. I don't visit it daily, generally when there's some issue that pops up. I have found their comment section to be relatively sane, *relatively* being the key word. So I was surprised when I just noticed that Inside Higher Ed shut down its comment sections as of July 1, 2020:

It's been a few months since I've shared an update on Baby Walt, mainly thanks to the world shutting down and life changing suddenly and dramatically, though not necessarily badly. Walt turned 7 months old last week, which is hard to believe and also, truly miraculous.

There was a time in the long ago past that we did Open Threads. Basically opening the floor to whatever you wanted to talk about in the comment section. I have a lot of topics on my plate, but every now and then you need to stop and pause.