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Blogging Tag

In the comments to my post about the inaccurate reaction to Sarah Palin's comments about Paul Revere, Taylor Marsh posted the following: This post is representative of what's wrong with our politics on both sides of the aisle. The lengths some people will go to in order...

As you know, I welcome the participation of conservative/libertarian students from Cornell.  This not only helps me out, it also gives students who otherwise are isolated in a sea of liberalism an outlet to develop their skills and political outlooks in a setting in which...

Write a two sentence post asking readers to "brief" me on whether Anthony Weiner has been "exposed," with a video making a play on "weiner" and "boehner," and I generate enthusiasm and comments.Write a multi-paragraph post about important issues of academic freedom and race politics in law school,...

The internet is a cruel place.I don't know what to make of this, my blog's name being associated with Her via some sort of automated weblog:I wonder what she will accuse me of now.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on...

(Originally posted 5-11-11, but lost in the Big Blogger Blackout of 2011, brought back to life courtesy of the Restore Honor and Sanity (and missing Legal Insurrection posts) Project)Seven years is like forever in the blogosphere. Was there even electricity back then?Congrats to Booker Rising:Yes,...

For those of you who have wondered what is going on, Blogger had a system-wide failure beginning sometime yesterday, which froze blogs as reader-only.   The failure resulted from a maintenance upgrade on Wednesday.  (Small quirk of fate, the blog manager at Google who was...

Reader Tom reports that when he was in China recently he was not able to access this blog, or the affiliated Facebook and YouTube pages..Other blogs worked fine, including other conservative blogs.Calling out to the People of China to try to access this blog and report the...

If you have been watching the left sidebar, you have seen that I've featured Dean Friedman for the past several days.  I have his original album from 1977, now if only I had a turntable that worked. So I was delighted when Dean reached out to...

Congratulations to our very own Kathleen McCaffrey, who has been named one of only five Bartley Fellows by the Wall Street Journal.A copy of the announcement by Paul Gigot is here:Kathleen McCaffrey, from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, is a rising senior at Cornell University with a major in...

A new website established by John Hawkins and Doug Ross, is just what you need to make sure you do not get ANY work done.It describes itself as follows:  "an automated news service that monitors social networks for the most popular conservative news."--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

It really isn't easy or breezy, but stuff like this helps:President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost...

Thank you, New York Times, for putting up your paywall.  Although there are ways around it, as my readers have suggested, I'm actually glad you made it more difficult to access your content.So much of my material over the past two and one-half years came...

The credentialed but unhinged class is making life really easy for moi:A University of Iowa professor felt the need to reply to a blast email by the College Republicans on Monday morning. Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the...

A blog post by one of the students in Jeff Cohen's Independent Media class at Ithaca College, to which I linked this morning, has led The Lonely Conservative to argue that my comment moderation policy contributes to the content of the blog:Since Professor Jacobson’s niche...

I just don't know how to make it stop.  Update:  On the other hand, maybe this is not a bad thing.  Keep spending to advertise on this blog, you'll really change some minds.  More showing up:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

I'm sorry that I forgot to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Marine Corporal Jonathan Daniel Porto, who was killed in Afghanistan on March 14, 2010, leaving behind his wife and infant daughter.  The original blog post by Cpl. Porto's wife, Rachel, announcing his death was...

Dear George, I heard you just donated $1 million or so to Media Matters.  Demand a refund.  Their highest-paid Senior Fellow is spending his time checking my blog for spelling errors.  My readers already do that for me for free. You've been had. Yours truly, Legl Insirrection Blag Update: Senior...