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Blogging Tag

From Gizmodo via HotAir, from the earliest days of the internets:-------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I'm late to this, but the story has not received a lot of coverage in the conservative blogosphere.  Paul Mirengoff of Power Line blog no longer is of Power Line blog.Mirengoff is an attorney at Akin Gump, a big law firm with a large presence in Washington,...

I didn't know there was a Legal Insurrection entry at Wikipedia until I found out it had been deletedCan someone figure out what is going on?  Here is the Google cache version, if that helps.I need to fix this before my in-laws find out.------------------------------------------Follow me...

As you know, I've expressed my doubts about Politico.  But the reality is that Politico is one of the major internet news sources and will be for the foreseeable future.While my prior criticisms applied to Politico's news operations, I also was frustrated that whenever I...

As you know, I don't pay much attention to blog rankings.  I'm just not into that sorta stuff.  I don't need outside validation of the worth of this blog.So imagine my surprise to see Legal Insurrection Blog moving up to the #22 spot in Technorati's...

One of my readers has asked if we will be doing a Live Event (similar to what we did on November 2 and last January for the MA Election) for Tuesday's State of the Union address.What do you think? (Poll closes at midnight tonight)--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

A reading of We Just Witnessed The Media’s Test Run To Re-Elect Barack Obama, by Rush Limbaugh today. It sounds so much better when read out loud (video via The Right Scoop)(transcript here): And thanks also to Mark Levin for the kind words about the post: -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: John Hinderaker's...

You may have missed these posts:Will The Media Investigate Why Eric Fuller Targeted Trent Humphries? Legal Insurrection Commenters Are Being WatchedThe Atlantic Plays The Race Card Against Herman Cain, Mildly Singapore: Even Their Problems Are More Efficient Another Eliminationist NarrativeCandidate Of Big Money Prepares To...

From Chris Muir, Day By Day Cartoon, quoting commenter The Shadow regarding my post Glenn Greenwald Does His Israel-Firsters Dance Again:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:A Journolista Wonders: "Was It All For Nothing?" Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

There are all these websites tracking high profile opinion makers like ...

There are many cheap tricks used against bloggers.Perhaps the most common is to attribute the views expressed in comments to the blogger.  The problem there is that the nature of a comment section is to give people other than the blogger the chance to express an opinion,...

There is nothing happening today.  Or at least not this morning.I can't even find a good Stuxnet story to write about.Help!--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Following up on my Official Predictions and Not Predictions for 2011, I have put together, with input from readers, Legal Insurrection's Official New Year's Resolutions.Actually, it comes down to just a single resolution, as follows:To keep up the fight against a seemingly unstoppable expansion of government into every...

Tomorrow I will release Legal Insurrection's Official New Year's Resolutions for 2011.Taking suggestions.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I am trying to take this advice, offered by a regular reader, to heart (emphasis mine):"Professor Jacobson,A long time ago my grandfather gave me some very good advice I often follow, but not all the time, due to my competitiveness. I am sure you have...

Here are Legal Insurrection's Official predictions for 2011:Obama will give an unscripted speech announcing he is resigning to take a year-long road trip to play golf in each of the 57 states.Joe Biden, the second in line to the presidency, will become President upon Obama's resignation, and head...

Everyone seems to be doing the "Best Of" thing this time of year.Worth a try?  If so, what?Would it be completely pretentious to do a "Best Of" my posts for the past year? If not, any favorites?(In case you were wondering, I am not taking...

over the long holiday weekend, but really need to read now that you are back at work and have all day to waste pretending you are doing work on the computer:Lame Duck Congresses - Venezuela v. U.S. "So at what point in time should global...