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Blogging Tag

A commenter using the pseudonym "Milwaukeean" has been active here for the past couple of weeks regarding the various court and other disputes in Wisconsin.Milwaukeean didn't seem to cross the line from dissenter to troll, made some good points at times, and often argued against my...

In TaxProf's rankings of law professor blogs for the 12 months ending December 31, 2010, based on page views and visits, as calculated by publically available Sitemeters.  (Footnote, we really should be no. 5, but Instapundit not longer has a public Sitemeter, so it no...

Six hours in the car will do it.  Pretty much unable to string sentences together.Was going to say something about the policy of stayawayism and non-regimechangism in Syria in contrast to the non-stayawayism and regimechangism in Egypt and Libya.Was going to say something more about the legal...

I have highlighted the romanticized view of uprisings in the Middle East taken by NY Times reporters and pundits, projecting Western liberal values onto what in many cases were fundamentalist and virulently anti-Semitic Islamists:NY Times Whitewashes Return of Anti-Semitic Egyptian Cleric Who's Afraid Of The...

Just started following me on Twitter.  His cartoons are quite good and can be found on his Facebook page.Here is one I like:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Ann Althouse, in response to her spouse Meade being banned at Lawyers Guns & Money blog, writes Candyass move of all time: Lawyers Guns & Money bans Meade!:The little professor Robert Farley couldn't face the challenge Meade made to his (truly lame) post "On Libya" (which...

Dan Collins at POWIP is one of my favorite bloggers. He's having a fundraiser right now to meet an unexpected crunch.  Believe it or not, it's hard to make money at blogging, unless you have very large traffic.  So there are compatriots out there who...

From The Corner: she is almost entirely a creature of liberals who want to use her as a prop to discredit and attack conservatives. I gather Meghan thinks she is some kind of youth recruiter for a hipper form of conservatism or Republicanism or something. I...

From Hambone:"Hambone is a not-so-benevolent dictator. He will allow almost anything submitted as long as there is no profanity. Language is only offensive if it offends someone. The test is, if your comments would offend Hambone's grandmother they will be deleted and you will be...

A campaign by Think Progress to demonize and marginalize the Koch brothers has jumped the shark.No, I'm not referring to the cretin who posted a comment here calling me a "Koch whore."No, I'm not referring to the theft of David Koch's identity by a liberal blogger.No,...

A pro-union blogger impersonated David Koch in order to get through to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.  The blogger, pretending to be Koch, made numerous inflammatory and outrageous comments hoping to get a reaction from Walker.  The blogger recorded the phone call, and then released the phone...

On Saturday, February 19, 2011, I was a guest on DaTechGuy's radio show on WCRN 830 True Talk Radio, a 50,000 watt superstation in New England.  We touched on the Sherrod v. Breitbart lawsuit, the Wisconsin union battle, the federal budget cuts passed by the...

I have received some e-mails from readers complaining that the blog is loading slowly or is generating "flash" errors.If you have had such problems, please post in the comments, so I can try to ascertain the problem.Of course, using Blogger gives me almost no control...

Namely, anyone from the Obama administration, the people who actually "forced" Sherrod to resign.Mark Levin makes the point (and gives a nice shout out to my post Dissecting Shirley Sherrod's Complaint Against Andrew Breitbart) :--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on...

I have received several complaints in the past couple of weeks about readers having problems commenting.  And if several people took the time to reach out to me, there likely are many more.Since a couple of the commenters have started posting solutions in other posts,...

Via And So It Goes In Shreveport comes news of the death of "snaggletoothie" and a link to a loving memory by his father, My son Christopher David Monson aka snaggletoothie:"Chris was born on April 1, 1948. He passed away on January 28, 2011. He...

....(h/t @drjjoyner)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

First, let me congratulate Arianna Huffington on selling The Huffington Post to AOL for a reported $315 million.  Isn't America a great place?Arianna came up with a great business model.  Create a place where liberals could tell each other how smart they were, where they could write...