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Black Lives Matter Tag

But I thought everyone would calm down when the federal agents left the federal courthouse in Portland! The latest riot in Portland proves it has everything to do with mayhem and nothing about black lives, systematic racism, or police brutality. Rioters attacked the Multnomah Building, which has offices for the local sheriff, but mostly "houses offices for county departments that provide social services that have no connection to the police."

After allowing weeks of 'anti-racism' protests in line with the U.S. Black Lives Matter movement, German government is considering a ban on traditional carnival festivities. Country's "Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to cancel the carnival season for 2020-21 in light of the coronavirus pandemic," German newspaper Südwest Presse reported Tuesday.

The orthodoxy with regard to racial politics has moved from campus to culture, We've seen the purge of alternative views in academia, journlism, the arts, and other industries. The emergence of hyper-woke corporations is one of the distinguishing features of the current Black Lives Matter movement effort since the death of George Floyd.

These aren't protesters, they're a violent mob. In Portland, the Black Lives Matters mob caused a truck to crash. The driver was drug out of the car, beaten unconscious while his wife was attacked, punched, and tackled to the ground. The mob called the driver the N-word, while beating him. According to recent reports, the driver remains unconscious.

Protesters and rioters in Seattle are in the news all the time. One group of people in Seattle who get hardly any attention are the people trying to run businesses in the city. They are deeply concerned about the efforts to defund the police. Some of them are even leaving the city.

My heart breaks for the families who were under lockdown as rioters broke windows and doors of the Chicago Ronald McDonald House. They are only there because they have a child in intensive care. To deal with that on top of it all? Unimaginable.