Bill Maher | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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I have to hand it the GOP, I did not expect the Republican National Convention to be as effective and good as it was. It was the greatest show on earth for those four nights, driving home messaging that was extremely damaging to Joe Biden and reaching out to voter groups that are not traditional Republican voters.

Every now and then Bill Maher hits a left-wing dogma squarely on the head and it's particularly persuasive coming from someone who is on the left. We've covered several such occasions, even if most of the time we disagree with Maher. Maher just did it again with regard to the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, setting off a fury of recrimination from Rep. Rashida Tlaib and other anti-Israel activists.

Actor Jim Carrey appeared on Bill Maher's show last week and sang the praises of socialism; at one point he stated, "We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything.” Venezuelan journalist Laureano Márquez was appalled and wrote a searing response in which he noted that Venezuela's on-going crises are the direct result of socialism. He also points out that people are "fleeing the country 'however way they can' as they do not have access to medication, food or other basic needs."

You know the radical left has gone well and truly off the rails when uber-progressive Bill Maher is among the only consistent voices of reason.  Maher is well and truly over the #MeToo movement's insistence that a comment a woman finds offensive is just as onerous as a violent rape. Disgusted with the #MeToo warlock hunt, Maher recently referred to the movement as #MeMcCarthyism.