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Barack Obama Tag

A recent Gallup poll showed President Donald Trump as the most admired man, dethroning President Barack Obama. Republicans chose Trump, but this year, probably due to the pandemic, Democrats split their votes among public figures.

Confounding Democrats across America, President Trump made big gains in the Latino community on Election Day in states like Florida and Texas, vastly improving his 2016 performance with them.

Obama took his sweet time to endorse Joe Biden after the Democratic primary. He was also pretty quiet throughout the summer. Now he is going to step up and start campaigning for Biden at the last minute. Doesn't it seem a little late for this?

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified more documents related to failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's alleged plan to stir-up a scandal between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia. It turns out former CIA Director John Brennan told President Barack Obama about the idea before the 2016 election as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Brennan's notes indicate Hillary approved of the plan on July 26, 2016. Trump also authorized the "declassification of any & all documents" related to the "Russia Hoax."

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified three items in regard to the FBI's investigation into Hurricane Crossfire to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham. One item included the CIA asked the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton's campaign over alleged plans to "stir up" a scandal against then-candidate Donald Trump.

On Obama's last day in office, January 20, 2017, National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote an email memo to herself (pdf.) regarding the investigation into Michael Flynn and a January 5, 2017, meeting attended by Obama, Biden, Rice, Sally Yates, and James Comey. The email was mostly public previously, though supposedly classified portions were redacted.

Events are moving quickly, converging on the subterfuge and subversion by Team Obama. Team Obama was behind the Flynn set up. Obama was in on it, and so were others. How deep Obama's own hands go into the spying on the Trump transition remains to be seen, but Obama's staged "leak" criticizing DOJ is a tell.

Joe Biden doesn't have what it takes to take on Trump. He's become a sad figure as he struggles to complete sentences, keep track of his thoughts, and find words. He never should have been pushed to run for president. I covered the unfortunate series of Biden brain freezes recently in Being off center stage has helped Biden, who struggles even in friendly interviews.

President Barack Obama has said over and over that he will not endorse a candidate in the 2020 Democratic primary. But is he supporting his Vice President Joe Biden behind the scenes? Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is supposedly mulling an endorsement of Biden after he spoke to both men after he dropped out of the race on Sunday. Now reports say Buttigieg, along with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), will endorse Biden Monday night at a rally in Dallas.

Gallup published its annual poll concerning America's most admired man and woman, and this year's results were pretty interesting. Despite three solid years of Democrats and their media cohorts relentlessly attacking and tearing down President Trump, he has climbed to the top spot, a position he shares with former president Obama.