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Alabama Tag

***UPDATE: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily reinstated the abortion ban in Texas: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay on a ruling from a lower court that had blocked Texas from enforcing the ban. State officials argue the ban is intended to conserve medical supplies for health workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. But abortion rights advocates say states are using the pandemic as an excuse to block access.

Between the Crash and Bern and Warren coming in third in her home state, Super Tuesday was awesome. While much of our attention is on the Democrat presidential primary, there was an interesting development in Alabama. Former Senator and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions failed to secure the Republican nomination for his old Senate seat and now faces a runoff election on March 31st. Former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville won 33.4% of the vote to Sessions' 31.6%.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to continue celebrating his impeachment acquittal by the Senate. Trump made a series of predictions like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez primarying Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Republicans winning the Alabama Senate seat, and Rep. Jerry Nadler will lose to his primary opponent.

Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General, is expected to announce his candidacy for his old Alabama Senate seat Thursday. Sessions resigned when he accepted the post of Attorney General.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) is facing calls for her resignation following the unearthing of a college skit from 52 years ago. Back in 1967, Ivey performed in a skit called "cigar butts" in which she wore blackface. This will be the first test of "Democrat privilege" whereby Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and AG Mark Herring weathered photos of blackface surfacing from the 1980s.  Is it only Democrats who are "privileged" enough to survived decades-old indiscretions?  Or did Democrats lose a valuable piece of political weaponry in letting Northam slide?