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Abortion Tag

The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal to the Kentucky Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, which requires "doctors to perform ultrasounds and show and describe fetal images to patients before abortions, as well as play an audible heartbeat of the fetus." Their decision means the law will stay in place.

Students for Life of America (SLFA) has stepped in to help one young mother finish her education after she lost her financial aid due to her pregnancy with her son. Ruth Asmarzadeh felt pressure to have an abortion but chose life. In the process, she lost her financial aid to Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado and couldn't reschedule her exams.

I promised to provide updates on the story of deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopfer, who kept over 2,200 preserved murdered babies in his home. The Associated Press reported his widow and her sister discovered the bodies. That little fact brings up a whole bunch of new questions. Authorities in Indiana did not discover any murdered babies at the shutdown clinics operated by Klopfer. They found a bunch of old medical records. One former patient told CBS Chicago that Klopfer expressed no empathy or emotion when describing the abortion process. She also said he left her bleeding and scarred after her second abortion.

On Monday, news came out that the family of a dead abortion doctor found over 2,200 well-preserved bodies of babies he murdered when he was alive. Dr. Ulrich Klopfer resided in Illinois but had a clinic in South Bend, IN, where 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg serves as mayor. Buttigieg finally received questions on the house of horrors. Something tells me his answers won't shock you.

Did the left really think Kermit Gosnell was an isolated incident? That's what they wanted to believe. I can tell you as a former pro-choicer and regular Planned Parenthood donor that we choose to remain ignorant. Ignorance is the only way to blind yourself to the horrors of abortion. Let me introduce you to the now-deceased Ulrich "George" Klopfer from South Bend. His family found over 2,200 well-preserved bodies of the babies he murdered when he was an abortion doctor.