2016 Democratic Primary | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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2016 Democratic Primary Tag

Former Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) lashed out at his opponent failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for not doing anything about Russian interference despite having the knowledge and also pushed back that he knew Russian bots backed his campaign. His campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, also told Politico that he has never seen evidence that Russian bots supported Sanders.

Earlier this week, Politico published an excerpt from former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile where she said she found a document that showed a deal between failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Brazile wrote that the agreement "specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised." NBC News has published this memo, which shows the control given to Hillary and her campaign. This includes hiring of DNC employees acceptable to the fundraising committee Hillary for America (HFA).

Earlier this week, Mary wrote about former DNC chair Donna Brazile throwing the Hillary Clinton campaign under the bus with her scathing Politico article about the Democrat primary being rigged against Bernie Sanders.  Brazile revealed that she found further email evidence that the Hillary campaign had struck an "unethical" deal with the DNC that effectively hobbled the Bernie campaign. This is an enormous bombshell that one might imagine the major networks would deem worthy of a passing mention.  After all, they did occasionally spare a few moments to cover the Hillary email and server scandals. One would be wrong, as President Trump noted yesterday.

The longer Hillary insists on staying in the public eye, the more she rattles the already beleaguered Democrat Party. Democrats are not happy with Hillary's upcoming book tour for her memoir What Happened. As the party tries to regroup and reconnect, many think Hillary's blame game will only cause more problems.

Yesterday I blogged about the excerpts people have leaked from failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's memoir What Happened that blasted her opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders told The Hill that it's time to move forward.

People have leaked excerpts from failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's memoir What Happened, which will be released on September 12. In these excerpts, Hillary lashes out at her primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for his actions, which she claims caused "lasting damage" to the party due to his numerous attacks on her.

It has been a mystery as to why Elizabeth Warren never ran for president in 2016. As I wrote many times, and early on, I believe Warren would have crushed Hillary. Like a sour grape. The decision not to run also stood in contrast to Warren's tough gal act on Twitter and on the stump. She was a flame thrower who claimed not to be afraid to stand up to the bully Trump. So why didn't Warren run?

One of the most astounding revelations from the Podesta email published by Wikileaks was that then interim DNC Chair and CNN commentator Donna Brazile leaked potential primary town hall questions to the Clinton campaign. That was astounding in two regards -- that it happened, and that the media didn't make a bigger deal about it. Just imagine what the media reaction would have been if during the general election it came out that questions during Republican primary debates had been leaked to the Trump campaign. It would have been non-stop, 24/7, foaming at the mouth coverage demanding Trump drop out of the race. We covered the deception:

Linc Chafee was the most improbable of Democratic presidential candidates, as I explained when he announced, Wut? Former RI Senator and Governor Linc Chafee for President?
Former U.S. Senator and Rhode Island Governor Linc Chafee has announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee. When Rhode Island reader and blogger Tony emailed me about it, I thought it was a joke. Chafee has a reputation of a buffoonish political character who switches political sides on a whim. On second thought, that may make him perfect as a presidential candidate.... Had I known this would happen, I never would have left Rhode Island. The talk radio is going to be gold, pure gold.
Chafee's candidacy was "pure gold" for talk radio and the national audience when he had some interesting moments on stage.

It was bound to happen. Massive data breech, emails that sure do look like the DNC favored Hillary over Bernie, astronomical debt, a contentious, unified convention -- someone was going to lose their job. Prior to the Democratic National Convention, Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigned in disgrace after Wikileaks posted more than 19,000 hacked DNC emails. Post-convention, even more heads are rolling. The DNC's Chief Executive and two other top officials resigned today.

Sitting here in my third trimester, chugging ice water and enjoying the blessing of air conditioning, our little one wiggles and jiggles in my womb. The bigger she gets, the more she makes my belly dance. It's an incredible experience. So I have a particularly difficult time with Hillary's argument; an argument mirrored by the pro-infanticide crowd. Should she arrive early, Baby Love would be "viable" (since that seems to be an important distinction for pro-abort types), meaning she can survive outside of the womb. The instances of clinical abortion specifically for the health the mother are so few, it's not even a meritorious discussion. Most are for the lifestyle of the mother, with no regard to the potential of the life in the womb. How women who have nurtured an unborn child through birth can honestly support such flimsy non arguments is not something I'll ever understand.