2012 Republican Primaries | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 6
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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

John Podhoretz in The NY Post, It’s a ‘Mitt’ wrap, early this morning: That’s a wrap. I’m calling this thing. Unless something terrible comes out  about him in the next few weeks, Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. If you were to analogize last night’s nationally...

The line of the Meet The Press debate this morning. It started out with a typical Romney speech about not being a career policitian, a Santorum attack on that statement, a Romney response, and a Newt follow up: It is the word: ...

Endgame assessment: I give the debate to Newt (and so does Larry Sabato), who was aggressive without being offensive, and once again scored the line of the night about Romney "pious baloney." But, that said, I don't think much damage was done to Romney.  The upside for...

One of the biggest applause lines of the night was when Newt Gingrich, responding to a long (and embarrassing for the moderators) line of questions trying to pin candidates down on gay marriage, contraception and gay adoption, responded as follows: Newt's response engendered praise even from...

Debate starts at 9 p.m. Eastern.  Some things possibly relevant: There is another debate Sunday morning on Meet the Press.  Are they kidding? Via Instapundit, Byron York says that it was Newt's reaction to the negative ads rather than the ads themselves which did the most damage. ...

It's so frustrating, the failure of conservative media and Republican campaigns to vet Mitt Romney's Bain days. Instead of hiring cartoonists to turn Newt into Marvin the Martian, National Review should have been digging deep into the public filings, court filings, and the financial history of...

Of course I'll be covering it, probably one of my "updates at the breaks" type of coverage, not a Live Event.  It starts at 9 p.m. Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos "moderated" the Drake Debate in December.   My prior posts: Drake Debate – Video highlights, Drake Debate...

There is a new jobs report out, with the usual caveats that the work force is shrinking, but the nominal unemployment rate is down to 8.5%.  That's the number which counts politically. The rate would be 10.9% if the same number of people were in the...

Having called the Tea Party birthers and Newt Ahmadinejad, Ann Coulter has identified another way of demonizing and belittling someone who is not Mitt Romney: As a two-time senator from a light-blue state, Rick Santorum is not as obviously unelectable as the rest. But don't leap too fast,...

Remember when one Republican candidate viciously attacking the leading Republican candidate was patriotic? Like in Iowa, when everyone from Charles Krauthammer on down blamed Newt's past for the several millions dollars in negative attack ads run by a pro-Romney SuperPAC?  When National Review devoted almost an entire issue to...

The election was close going down to the wire between Santorum and Romney, with no winner declared as of this writing, with both in the 24% range.  Paul was at about 21%, Newt at 13%, Perry at 10%, and Bachmann at 5%.  (Results not final) The...

Welcome to Legal Insurrection's Iowa Caucuse live event. We will stay live until the results are in. You can comment in the Live Feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.’s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection...

What goes around comes around.  Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager last spring and the first thing he did was trash Sarah Palin. Bachmann let the Rollins' comments hang out there for a while and then went on TV to say what good friends...

Here's the plan, subject to change. Beginning late morning or lunchtime (Eastern), we'll have an Open and Update Thread with latest from Iowa.  While the caucuses don't start until the evening, we'll try to dig deep for reports of how and what the campaigns are doing. ...

This is lighting up Twitter.  Colmes also uses the incident in a blog post today, linking to this 2005 WaPo article: In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth of...

Alternative headline: Dear Iowa: You are being played like a fiddle. I hate to admit it, but there is a large amount of truth in this analysis by Roger Simon of Politico, Mitt don't need no surges: If Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses, the race for...