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2012 Election Tag

Another good ad, this time from the RNC, running on cable: More please....

The Billion Dollar Candidate is counting his dollars like he always does, while telling you how to spend yours.  I don't know about you, but I want these primaries to be over before they've begun, because I feel like we're watching the down card fights, and we're waiting...

You will not see that headline.  Instead you will see headlines about Obama's blowout fundraising of $86 million combined for his campaign and the Democratic National Committee.  Of that amount, $47 million was for Obama's campaign. But as The NY Times notes deep down in its article...

Below is the video in which Mitch McConnell sets forth his proposal, and here is the WaPo analysis: McConnell’s proposal would have the effect of forcing Obama and congressional Democrats to take full responsibility for raising the debt limit, and require Democrats to vote on the...

Almost the entire Democratic Party theme for the 2012 elections at every level is that evil Republicans want to destroy "Medicare as we know it," whereas Democrats want to save the program by raising taxes on the "rich." As Michael Alan  documented here, groups behind the "Mediscare"...

Just saw him interviewed by John King Roberts on Fox News, and I have to say, he was refreshingly blunt, as is his campaign website. King Roberts referenced this tweet by McCotter: But I don't know much (indeed, almost anything) about him.  I do know he supported...

... The only way for Obama to stimulate the enormous private sector job growth needed to ensure Obama's reelection is for Obama to announce he is not running for reelection, which would unleash a wave of investment and economic activity not seen since the Great Depression....

There are two candidates still waiting, either of whom could shake up the Republican primaries big time. It's impossible to read the tea leaves on whether Sarah Palin is running, but it seems increasingly likely that Rick Perry is running. How much longer can they wait? Bonus question:  If...

It's all about the message: Top Obama adviser says unemployment won't be key in 2012 President Obama’s senior political adviser David Plouffe said Wednesday that people won’t vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate. Well no, of course it will not be about unemployment, considering the numbers...

Democrats, from the top politicians on down to their messaging drones at Think Progress, have targeted the Koch brothers, as documented here many times. So good for Koch Industries for sending this letter to Sen. Patty Murray in response to a "request" for a sizable donation to...

That's my impression of the "drama" unfolding in the budget talks.  Obama now is the one purporting to demand bigger cuts, a more long term agreement, and so on and so on, provided there also are commensurate tax increases. It's an interesting ploy, and tied solely...

I think the journolist community probably likes him quite a lot, which is why this Politico headline is so humorous, WMUR poll shows no bump for Jon Huntsman: It was possible to dismiss the recent Suffolk University poll showing Jon Huntsman in low single digits, but...

Late this afternoon, the 500th person registered with this blog just two weeks after registration opened. Thanks for signing on. If only they had had our 500, who knows: Update:  In response to some reader questions, registering has nothing to do with WordPress.  If you have a WordPress...

Communications Director of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, on the anniversary of Medicare (h/t a reader in WI): But not to worry, he was using "punch" metaphorically and when he said "punch" did not really mean "punch." This guy, on the other hand, seems to have meant it (h/t HotAir): [Democratic]...

About those lackluster Republican presidential candidate fundraising numbers. I think I'm fairly typical.  I'm sitting on my wallet because the field is not complete, or if it is complete, we don't yet know it.  And yes, there's a lack of excitement in the current field.  The most solid...

There is a really interesting article by Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics regarding congressional redistricting. The common mainstream wisdom has been that redistricting really is not helping Republians that much, and that Democrats even may gain a seat or two nationwide.  But Trend details how...

Obama is planning on 5 1/2 more years in office, so he can complete what he has not yet finished. At a campaign fundraiser on June 30, Obama made these comments, as reported byReal Clear Politics (emphasis mine): "And, Philadelphia, I know there are some of you...

This ad by Crossroads GPS, for which Karl Rove consults, has been running very heavily in upstate NY. It's critically important that these type of ads run early before Obama starts spreading his hoped-for billion dollars around, the unions spend their hundreds of millions, and Hollywood/Wall...