2012 Election | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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2012 Election Tag

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. This is just an open thread for people to make their feelings known.  I'm not going to "live blog" it. But I may jump in with some thoughts as it goes along, maybe at any breaks. And at the end, there will be...

Haven't decided what to do for the debate, which starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. Live blog? Open thread? Nothing but post-analysis? So many people will be doing "live blogs" I'm wondering if it makes sense to do that here. What do you think? In any event, we will do...

Don't expect it, even though there is good polling news today for Romney-Ryan, as detailed at Hot Air: Welcome to October! Today must be Poll Day, as media groups try to determine the lay of the land ahead of the first debate on Wednesday.  The new...

It's very difficult in Ithaca or Rhode Island to get a sense of how the presidential contest is playing out. Because both New York and Rhode Island are sure winners for Obama, there is virtually no advertising on television in these markets for the presidential race. ...

Recently on CNN, Newt Gingrich appeared with Piers Morgan to discuss what Mitt Romney needs to do in order to ensure his campaign's success. The advice was pretty simple: Do to Barack Obama what you did to me. As someone who was in the Newt camp since...

Consider this Pep Talk V. Every 3-4 days for the past several weeks there has been a mass media pronouncement that Romney has lost:  When Paul Ryan was nominated and false "fact-checks" purported to declare him a proven liar.  When Clint Eastwood took the stage and...

Defeatism is so last weekend. Via WaPo: Last week’s Democratic National Convention helped President Obama improve his standing against Republican Mitt Romney, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, but did little to reduce voter concern about his handling of the economy. The survey shows that the...

It's November 7.  Barack Obama has won.  The Republican presidential strategy has failed.  The media is jubilant.  The right-blogosphere is going through a serious introspection.  The left-blogosphere is dancing on our graves and shoving it down our throats.  Four years of fighting the Obama agenda...

More motivated than ever. It might have been that way regardless of the Veep pick, but the immediate attempt by the mainstream media and liberal magazines and newspapers to Palinize Paul Ryan brought back bitter memories of the type which motivated me for the...

Romney will announce the Veep pick Saturday morning at 9 a.m. We'll have coverage here. The Weekly Standard is calling it for Paul Ryan, which means it's either Paul Ryan or the Romney campaign ran a really good feint. NRO is reporting the same: Take note, veep watchers: Earlier...

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And that...

I asked Why are people panicking? He feels good: I could not agree MORE with @JayCostTWS' assessment of how much trouble Obama is in: weeklystandard.com/blogs/morning-…— John Nolte(@NolteNC) July 9, 2012 The link to Jay Cost: Give the media enough time, and they will spin straw into gold – for...

The discussion in the video below (h/t jimzinsocal)  is pretty good on where the campaign stands.  Krauthammer is hard on Romney for failing to score hard blows on Obama over the economy, something echoed by Bill Kristol. Am I concerned?  Sure.  At least based on chatter, it looks like...

This is the first ad as part of Crossroads GPS $25 million ad buy. The first 20 seconds are powerful.  Listening to Obama make excuses is powerful mockery, the most effective kind because it's his own lame words.  The last 10 seconds were not nearly as effective...

Consider this Pep Talk IV. Was it over when Harry Reid pushed Obamacare through at Christmas time in December 2009? Not when voters took to the voting booth and elected Scott Brown. Was it over when Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats were forced to accept the Senate version...

Jews are a core Democratic liberal constituency, except for Orthodox Jews. In the greater New York City area, there is a demographic time bomb for Democrats in the form of a surge in Orthodox Jewish children who now constitute over 60% of all Jewish children in the...