2012 Election | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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2012 Election Tag

Obama won Oregon in 2008 by 16 points. This year his lead is down to just 6 points, per The Oregonian: President Barack Obama holds a relatively narrow lead of six points over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Oregon, according to a new poll conducted for The Oregonian. Obama's...

This was all so predictable. The water has not yet receded in much of the storm damaged region, yet the big government straw man arguments survived and are flourishing. On CBS this morning a correspondent (don't remember his name) was asked by one of the anchors what...

Obama is trying to hold back the storm surge. Presidential race tied in Ohio newspaper poll (sample D+3): President Barack Obama, 49 percent. Republican challenger Mitt Romney, ditto...

This is not a Drudge photo juxtaposition. It's the Des Moines Register, intentionally or not summing up this entire election. Fear versus hope, anger versus optimism, Obama versus Romney: ...

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. This should be fun.  Obama has to attack Romney, he just has to.  The momentum is going Romney's way.  A draw, nothing changes result is big for Romney. In theory this debate has the least risk for Romey, but I think that...

Reader Charles has been a great source of polling information, so I asked him to put together a list of the 10 most interesting recent polls in Senate and House races.  Here is his list, not in any particular order: GA-12 (Barrow - D) ( Cook Index...

Obama was much more animated, and I'm sure liberals on Twitter and elsewhere were happy much as during the Biden-Ryan debate. But I don't think it helped Obama much. I'll be interested to see the focus groups and polling. Obama got in some one liners, but Romney completely nailed it on Obama's record of broken promises. A 2 minute primer on the failure of the Obama administration. His line "you know better" may be the line of the night. Obama did better on Libya than expected, mostly because Obama backed up by Crowley incorrectly said he called it terrorism the day after. But Romney nailed it on the issue of Obama going to fundraisers the next day. All in all it was not the game changer Obama needed. Obama showed up, but not on the central issue of the election, Obama's record and why we whould expect anything better in four more years. Update: My column at USA Today, Obama needed debate blowout but didn't get it.

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. It's hard to imagine that Romney will crush Obama as badly as in the first debate.  It just has to be more even, which will be enough for the MSM's "comeback kid" narrative which already has been written.  Maybe there was...

The much demonized kulaks (a/k/a the top 5%, 2%, 0r 1% depending upon the speech) were the first to rise up against Obama. Now the kulaks have been joined by the common peasantry, via NPR: As Mitt Romney and President Obama get ready for their second debate, a...

It's really hard for the Commission on Presidential Debates to find truly neutral moderators, because of how neutral is perceived. If the moderator were from Fox News, even if a non-ideological news person like Bret Baier, there would be howls of protest from the Obama campaign...

Assessment -- Not sure how to rate this. I wonder how Biden's constant laughing, smirks, and bombastic language ("bunch of malarkey") played with the viewers. Biden also talked over Ryan constantly, and the moderator often cut short Ryan's answers. Ryan also didn't get a chance to respond to many of Biden's over the top comments. Biden was so over the top, the liberals will be cheering, but based on how some liberals I follow on Twitter (below) reacted, he may have gone too far.

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. This is just an open thread for people to make their feelings known.  I’m not going to “live blog” it. But I may jump in with some thoughts as it goes along. And at the end, there will be an assessment. So have at...

Paul Ryan is expected to do well in the VP debate, essentially the reverse of what was expected for the presidential debate where Obama was favored going in. The expectations are high, I think too high: Ryan does, however, have a lot of non-debate debating experience dealing...

in the psychiatric implosion on the left resulting from Obama's empty chair performance at the debate? It's a guilty pleasure ...

I think it was a tremendous victory for Romney at the debate last night.  Usual caveats about there being a month to go, he still may be trailing in some key states, etc. Romney needed to take his case directly to the American people because the media is...

Here are the tweets I selected during the debate. I score the first debate as a clear win for Romney. Obama was bumbling, Romney was on target with facts. Even Obama supporters -- the semi-honest ones -- were tweeting in despair.