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2010 Election Tag

What would one call a political strategy which depended upon portraying the majority of Americans as crazy extremists? The answer is: The current Democratic Party strategy which ignores the meaning of the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts races, and focuses on smearing opponents as extremists...

My new favorite source of screen shots has outdone itself, with this post and headline The first senator of the reality show era:The text of the Politico post has nothing to do with reality:Brown’s arrival reflects a fundamental change in American politics, the most complete...

From Charles Blow [sic] in the NY Times: Welcome to the mob: an angry, wounded electorate, riled by recession, careening across the political spectrum, still craving change, nursing a bloodlust...

The election of Scott Brown to the Senate left for dead the abomination known as the Senate health care bill.But it may not have been enough to get the message through to the Democrats who just seem to be begging to be thrown out of...

The mainstream media finally is waking up to the under-the-radar social media revolution which hid in plain sight in the Massachusetts Senate special election. As reported by the Wall Street Journal:A study [embedded below] conducted by the Emerging Media Research Council out today found that...

April 29, 2009, Relax, The Dems Will Screw Up:What history shows us is that a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic President, urged on by a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic Congress, is a prescription for political self-destruction. Leave Democrats to their own devices, and they will screw themselves politically,...

Enthusiasm among the youth of America for the Democratic Party is vanishing almost as quickly as their MySpace accounts in the age of Facebook: It appears there is a potentially huge problem for Democrats going into the 2010 election cycle: young people simply are not...

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While Democrats of all stripes are taking pot shots at each other over Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts, others are preparing to make sure the next Scott Brown is smeared before he or she can get traction.Martha Coakley's many gaffes were of her own creation....

My article, analyzing how Scott Brown won the Massachusetts election, is posted at Pajamas Media, The Brown Campaign from the Ground Up. Here's a short excerpt:By the time of the only televised debate on January 11, the country was gripped with interest in the race....

The Democrats' plan to force through an unpopular health care restructuring bill is not dead. Various procedural maneuvers are under consideration to get the bill through, in one form or another, in a manner which does not require another Senate cloture vote now that the...

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, what to do when two political enemies go at each other. This would make them both my friends, which screws up the equation.That's the way I feel watching Lanny Davis and "The Left" go at each...

Yesterday was an amazing day, and not just because Scott Brown won (although that helped).Yesterday was the first "live" blogging event here. 21,432 people participated in the live event, generating 5,402 reader comments. There were almost 70,000 visits to the site, which used to be...

From the political scientist who passes off insult as analysis, came this snark directed at me for my analysis of the January 5, 2010 Rasmussen Poll which ignited interest in this race: The fact that even the polling firm most favorable to the GOP has...

Following the coverage of the Massachusetts Senate special election the past few weeks meant I had to read The Boston Globe online.Much of The Globe's coverage was geared towards gaming the election for Martha Coakley, including the disingenuous announcement on election morning that the race...

Advice to Democrats. The "progressive" agenda is not to blame. Obama is not to blame.All really would have been well had Martha Coakley achieved Obama's numbers (duh), according to John Cole at Balloon-Juice:I know a lot of you are really upset about the loss, but...

Another in the "how do they think this stuff up" category. Guess who were the biggest losers in the Massachusetts Senate special election yesterday. The people of Bangladesh, according to Matthew Yglesias:Who’s going to gain and who’s going to lose if Scott Brown becomes...