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The time has arrived. You can follow the Legal Insurrection Election Night Twitter Feed embedded below for the fastest results — no one can type a blog entry as fast as Twitter. The Authors at Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection also will be updating in the dialogue...

Thanks for your comments on blog format for Election Day. You came down pretty much were I was — not thrilled with those “live blog” formats like CoverIt Live (which has priced me out of contention).  There are alternatives, but I think I have something...

From Leslie Eastmen of Temple of Mut, and contributor at College Insurrection: I just came back from a Jousting Tournament with my family. As we were leaving the parking lot, fate had it that my husband’s eyes alighted upon a car with bumper stickers featuring...

BTW, College Insurrection is one month old. Consider the blog open for now, tell me what’s on your mind.  ‘Cause I got nothin’ right now. But in the morning, oh in the morning. Then I will have a lot to say. Check back early and...

I’m pleased to announce another fine addition to the College Insurrection team. Hans Bader of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an attorney with deep experience in constitutional and higher education issues, has become a contributer to CI. His first post is The New Liberal Orthodoxy: NYU Unconstitutionally Pressured...

We welcome John Rosenberg of the great Discriminations blog (which just celebrated its 10th Blogiversary) as a new contributor at College Insurrection. His first post is Diversity, “Real Diversity,” And Double (Quadruple?) Counting At Yale.

UPDATE – No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there’s already a huge backlog. This will be a continuation of the photos after the first post, National Empty Chair Day (photos from around country), became too long. There are...

UPDATE – No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there’s already a huge backlog. Today is the impromptu National Empty Chair Day, which I covered on Saturday night when a reader alerted me to the idea.  At the time there were about...

Drudge and LI have something in common.  August 2012 was our best month ever in terms of traffic.  LI had 1,449,541 page views, Drudge had 943,281,513. Of course, I didn’t build it on my own, nobody does.  I was helped by the very generous linkage of Prof. Glenn...

College Insurrection already is suspected of being the recipient of secret funding. If only it were true. Story over at CI, SUNY Prof wonders who funds College Insurrection.

I was somewhat distracted the past couple of weeks getting College Insurrection up and running. So I guess I missed the national dialogue and soul searching over anti-Christian rhetoric and the War on Christianity being conducted by the SPLC and various groups which cite the SPLC...

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY.  WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019, the Legal Insurrection Foundation  (“Insurrection” or “Company”), through the websites,,, and, respectively (the “Website” or “Insurrection”) is provided for...

PRIVACY POLICY WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019, the Legal Insurrection Foundation  (“Insurrection” or “Company”), considers the privacy of the users of,,, and  (the “Website”) to be of utmost importance and works to protect it....

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS & CONTENT POLICY WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019 the Legal Insurrection Foundation (“Insurrection”), though the websites, respectively,,,, and (the “Website”) provide users (“Users”) with the ability to create commentary...

I was a guest Tuesday night on African-American Conservatives blog talk radio. Topics included the Ryan selection and a lot of other election related topics.  It was one-half hour of pure … wisdom. You can listen to my segment below, or if you want to...