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From reader John: I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for a couple of years now. I particularly look forward to the wack job liberals and their off the wall bumper stickers. I live in WI and came across this vehicle which shows the right...

From fellow Central (Upstate) New Yorker Fred: I am a fan of your blog. I also enjoy the seeing bumper stickers from around the country. How about one from our backyard? I saw this one on a Prius at the Liverpool, NY YMCA. I was...

Off the road, finally. I’m catching up on what was going on today.  What did I miss? Okay, here’s what I’m finding: Rick Santorum on Face the Nation prejudges the Zimmerman-Martin case, and attributes malicious motives to Zimmerman (emphasis mine): NORAH O’DONNELL: Senator, the President did...

As I have said before, they don’t really want to Coexist. And at this point, I’m not sure I want to, either. From reader Brownyn, who has had prior experience with the coexisters: Saw this car as we pulled onto our street here in Tustin,...

Have you noticed, there have been a lot of handwritten, or in this case painted, anti-Obama signs on vehicles lately.  It’s almost as it a mere bumper sticker cannot contain the rage. Thanks to Jane from Olympia, Washington: Thought you might like this—there was more...

Funny, I don’t see a “stop” button. A feature, not a bug. From reader Bill in Florida, who spotted this on a counter, and laments: I have been seeing lots of good bumper stickers, one on a prius, but alas, traffic only runs unimpeded when...

From reader and frequent commenter DINORightMarie: I have been collecting these for a while, but finally got them downloaded off my iPhone. I believe the picture quality is good enough to read them and zoom in, if needed. All were taken in Winchester, VA, of...

From a reader: As a loyal blog reader, I find great amusement in your regular bumper sticker posts. What I have for you is not a bumper sticker, but a humorous license plate of a hero. I am a Marine stationed aboard Camp Lejeune, North...

This is a follow up to the window of bumper stickers at Ronnie Wilson’s print shop in Electra, Texas.  These are on the entrance door, courtesy of Danelle, who writes: Not to reveal my age, but I was in the band the year we won State Football champions!...

More thanks to reader Danelle in Electra, Texas: Ronnie Wilson opened up his print shop over 30 years ago. He mostly prints signage for the locally owned oil field operations and trucking companies. He’s also known to put out bumper stickers and signage reflecting current...

when I saw this vehicle with Veterans for Obama bumper stickers. Thanks to reader Zach, who writes: No comment… This was taken in Horseshoe, NC near beautiful Asheville. Keep up the great work ya’ll!

I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that phrase used in the email from reader NCMont to explain his move from D.C. to Austin.  I guess it’s like when I make the trip from Rhode Island to Ithaca when school is in session.  Or is it the other way...

Commenter Taxpayer1234 mentioned yesterday that s/he had written a graduate school paper on conservative political blogs, and s/he was kind enough to forward it to me. Three blogs were the focus of the paper, Legal Insurrection, Ace of Spades HQ, and The Other McCain.  Remember, everything...

Best and Worst Tweets of the Year, preferably ones featured at LI (use Twitter tag to search) but open to other suggestions. Best and Worst Bumper Sticker Photos of the Year, limited to those featured at LI (use Bumper Stickers tag to search). Post in...

I’m not going to argue with the owner of this car.  But I think the quote is: “I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away.” — Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 1787. Papers, 12:477. I could be wrong.  Did...

That was the subject line on an email from reader Cathy, who writes: When Obama supporters can’t afford new bumper stickers. Red marker over the year. Saw this in Longwood Florida today. We were at a stop light. 🙂  

Another photo from Linda taken at the Costco parking lot in Nashville, TN, which apparently is to bumper stickers what the Georges Bank is to fish.