From reader and frequent commenter DINORightMarie:
I have been collecting these for a while, but finally got them downloaded off my iPhone. I believe the picture quality is good enough to read them and zoom in, if needed. All were taken in Winchester, VA, of parked cars – no driving while taking photos. 🙂
BTW-the image of the van with the “In loving memory of American Capitalism” I took at the Costco parking lot, and got permission from the driver to send it to post online. So even the license plate can be posted (as it is a cute vanity plate, and relates to one of the bumper stickers….). The owner said she goes to NYC a lot, so she had to take some others off the van, since she was getting a lot of hate from passing cars, pedestrians, etc. Ah, liberals – feel the love. /sarc
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Love me some Ken Cuccinelli–wish he was running for POTUS.
It’s funny you should mention this subject. I just wrote a defining piece on capitalism here:
Let’s learn how to defend the capitalist system from the experts, from people like Milton Friedman, Art Laffer, Thomas Sowell & Larry Kudlow.
BTW, isn’t it interesting that Laffer & Sowell have endorsed Newt?
Let’s learn before we make the tragic mistake of picking Mitt.
Yes, rambunctious boys can leave a parent perpetually tired, but that mom should bear in mind that because there is very little genetic information on the Y-chromosome, most genes on the X-chromosome are expressed, and thus boys tend to take after their mothers.
Good pic, DINORightMarie!!
My husband has ADHD and he refers to me as Snorlax. We both know where our sons get all their energy.
Well, they “tend” to take after their mothers. There are exceptions.
Remember Dan Blocker who played “Hoss” on “Bonanza”? When I was in high school, his son was two years ahead of me.
He was a mini-Hoss. Looked exactly like his father … even down to the thinning hair at 18 years old! Uncanny.
LukeHandCool (who got his swarthy good looks from his Czech/Jewish/French mother … with some teutonic highlights from his dad).
I read somewhere years ago that children tend to look like their mothers. The explanation was that mass infanticide would ensue… kind of like a male lion killing all the offspring of other lions.
No one knows the color of a Snorlax eyes, as they are rarely open.
Bumper Sticker Photog sez:
“The owner said she goes to NYC a lot, so she had to take some others off the van, since she was getting a lot of hate from passing cars, pedestrians, etc. Ah, liberals – feel the love.”
Ahhhh yes… Liberals! They demand that we be tolerant while they are the least tolerant of all..