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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Oberlin College has been in the throes of turmoil for a decade. Aggressive, and sometimes absurd, social justice warfare hit the school's image and enrollment long before the Gibson's Bakery lawsuit and massive verdict. The latest controversy surrounds cost-cutting in an attempt to narrow a multi-million dollar 'structural deficit'. While there have been some cutbacks at administrative and faculty levels, the college now is attempting to jettison it's unionized custodial and dining hall workers.

The media seems intent on proving over and over again that they cannot be trusted.  Having botched their sky-is-falling Russia, Ukraine, and the infamous "two scoops" scandal, they are now all-in proclaiming—completely incorrectly—that President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. He did not.  In fact, their response to what Trump actually said demonstrates perfectly the point he was making.

Europe has been hit by a massive migrant wave after Turkey opened border crossings on Friday. Thousands of migrants started amassing along the Greek and Bulgarian borders, with Turkish authorities offering free bus rides for illegal migrants to reach border crossings.

Austria's parliament passed a unanimous resolution on Thursday condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) as antisemitic. The resolution, tabled by the ruling People’s Party, was supported by all political groups represented in Austria’s National Council.

Hundreds of Native Americans recently demanded Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) renounce any claim to Native American ancestry and admit that her family lore stories were false. This led Fox News anchor Bret Baier to ask 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN), during her town hall appearance on Fox News, if Warren should do drop those claims.