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Accounting and Finance Week in Higher Education

Accounting and Finance Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

We’re already beginning to see the financial impact the Coronavirus crisis is having on higher ed.

This is going to be an expensive situation.

More cuts and closures are coming.

Focusing on the important issues.


Absolutely false.

Ok then…

Oh, please.

How creative!


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Good! A reckoning was certainly in order.

    C. Lashown in reply to lc. | April 11, 2020 at 10:02 am

    I wonder if they give advanced courses in dishwasher repair? Floor sweeping? Working without whining? Eating rock soup? All helpful classes if you’re intent is to be poor for the rest of your life. Life’s lesson: snowflakes melt in the heat.

      OldProf2 in reply to C. Lashown. | April 11, 2020 at 12:30 pm

      Don’t knock dishwasher repair. Our Bosch burned out its heating element relay, and they quoted $700 to repair it. I bought the relay and soldered it into the board for a cost of $8. So a repairman could make nearly $700 for half a day’s work.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to OldProf2. | April 11, 2020 at 12:34 pm

        Nor auto mechanics, because the last time I had to have any auto work more than an oil change back in February of 2016, my AAA certified garage was charging customers $90 an hour for the mechanics time. So they must be charging well over $100 to the customer for their mechanics time now.

Let’em sink or swim, each on their own merits.

Be cautious, especially when the Accounting Offices and Creative Writing Departments share space. Tenure rules!

Connivin Caniff | April 11, 2020 at 9:50 am

Sounds like “Free College” is more than a D’Rat campaign slogan. It will become a reality, but not as the D’Rats wished, but through the vehicle of free or low-cost online education. And I doubt students will be willing to take online courses that consist of interminable left-wing lectures of nutty professors. The students won’t have to look for safe spaces either or pay “activity fees” to communist front groups.

    Tom Servo in reply to Connivin Caniff. | April 11, 2020 at 3:48 pm

    This trend is going to bring about the death of a lot of the small, fringe colleges. Why sign up for some small school in the woods when you’re never going to see the campus, or meet the people there? If you’re doing online edu, then might as well sign up for Big State U. for the name recognition. And if you’re Big State U., why limit admissions? If 100,000 students want to take your online courses, why not? Don’t have to worry about housing anymore, or any of that other stuff.

    This should consolidate everything to a great deal.

The topic that nobody is talking about, with all these states losing revenue, there will be bloody infighting when it comes to funding state colleges. The schools will be fighting the legislatures. governors and each other for a very small pie.
This is of course after the states fight the feds to replace the lost funds.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to buck61. | April 11, 2020 at 12:07 pm

    The only way state county city and other local governments can survive is to externalize the cost of all education. This is 100% doable because of all the new technology that’s been in place for 20 years or more now.