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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Young Democratic voters are not particularly excited about the prospect of voting for Joe Biden, and who can blame them? The primary began with over 20 candidates and ended with, well, Joe Biden. Young voters tend to be more progressive and they're getting the most Democrat establishment candidate available.


The Department of Justice dropped its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Thursday due to new information. The DOJ also released documents in its motion. These documents showed President Barack Obama knew details from Flynn's wire-tapped calls, and then-Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein expanded the Russia-Trump collusion probe beyond its primary scope.

The House Intelligence Committee released documents related to its investigation of possible collusion between then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign and Russia. Chairman Adam Schiff always said he had ironclad evidence Trump's campaign had help from Russia. Except he did not. In fact, none of the top people in President Barack Obama's administration had any direct evidence of collusion.

Republican Governor of Massachusetts Charlie Baker shut down all gun stores in the state as part of a supposedly health-related measure to fight the spread of Wuhan coronavirus. A group of citizens and foundations sued, filing a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction (pdf.), seeking among other things, an Order:

The Department of Justice dropped its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI two years ago:
The decision came days after prosecutors turned over documents to Mr. Flynn that his lawyers said was evidence that the government tried to set him up in the early 2017 interview at issue.

Germany is moving ahead with "bold" measures to phase out the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Wednesday. The country was "following a bold path" in lifting nationwide restrictions in place for more than seven weeks, she said. The announcement comes as Germany registers a decline in the new cases of coronavirus virus despite the easing of lockdown measures.

If you heard a lot of "dayums" Wednesday afternoon but weren't sure where they were coming from, it was very likely due to new White House Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. She gave a Reuters reporter an epic answer after he asked about past statements she made on the Trump administration's response to the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.