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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In February 2019, two Connecticut high school transgender sprinters claimed the two top spots in the Girls Indoor Track Championship for the second year in a row. Three of the biological girls who competed in the 2019 track championship filed a federal discrimination complaint against a statewide policy on transgender athletes.  Although she's the fastest biological female sprinter, one of the girls "nonetheless lost four state championships to male competitors who identified as female."


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi never lets a crisis go to waste to grab more power even as people suffer from the lockdown due to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. On MSNBC, Pelosi made it known that she views "everything as an opportunity." She also made it known she doesn't care about working with Republicans because it's important for the Democrats to present their relief bill "without too much conversation."

There has been a ton of speculation about who Joe Biden will choose as a running mate. He narrowed it down a bit during the last Democratic debate by plainly stating that he would choose a woman. Since then, most people agreed that the short list included four people.

Just under two months ago, when the nation was under its first "15-days to flatten the curve," I wrote that the situation could not hold, that shutting down the economy was not a sustainable long-term plan. My estimation was that the inflection point would come sometime in May, June at the very latest. I was right. The inflection point has arrived.

Events are moving quickly, converging on the subterfuge and subversion by Team Obama. Team Obama was behind the Flynn set up. Obama was in on it, and so were others. How deep Obama's own hands go into the spying on the Trump transition remains to be seen, but Obama's staged "leak" criticizing DOJ is a tell.