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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In 2015, we were the first to report on a 14-page Demand List issued by ABUSUA, Oberlin College's Black Students Union, including faculty hiring mandates and tenure promotions for black faculty, as well as a demand to “deconstruct imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy” and to divest from Israel. The Demand List went viral, and is the most-viewed Scribd document we have posted, with over 172,000 reads.


As the calls from left-wing activists to "defund the police" have grown in the two weeks since the death of George Floyd, so, too, have the explainers from the MSM on how "defunding the police" is supposedly not about getting rid of police departments altogether but instead is about partially shifting some police funding into local communities.

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whiplash movement from Wuhan coronavirus confinement and isolation to instant, rampant riots, arson, looting, and murder in the nation's biggest cities, you're not alone, but do take heart.  The radical leftist proposal to "defund the police" is reportedly supported by only, as HuffPo puts it, "self-described liberals."

American truckers have been working overtime since the beginning of the pandemic to deliver needed goods all over the country, and they have done a great job. The left's new effort to 'defund the police' is making some truckers nervous, and who can blame them?

While Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) has described the six-block “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) in the city as being "more like a block party" with the potential to turn into a "summer of love" than an "armed takeover" or "military junta," Seattle's police chief is painting a much different and far more troubling picture of what's happening when news cameras aren't rolling.

Communist China is using its growing economic clout to internationalize its currency. "Beijing is renewing its push to internationalise the use of the yuan in Southeast Asia under its globe-spanning belt and road infrastructure drive," the Hong Kong daily South China Morning Post reported Friday.

In recent weeks, Tucker Carlson of FOX News has been a lone voice in the media wilderness. No one on television has been more brutally honest about what is happening in America right now. Carlson has even had the guts to criticize Black Lives Matter. For this, he must be punished.

As you know, there is an effort to get me fired from Cornell Law School because of my criticisms of the Black Lives Matters Movement, and failing firing, get me officially denounced by the law school. It does not appear they will get me fired, but they did succeed in getting an official denunciation. See these posts for background: