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Chris Matthews has gone farther and more aggressively than any other major television figure in the accusation that the Romney campaign and its supporters are using racism as a core campaign tool against Barack Obama. Everything has become racist to Matthews.  The use of the term “Chicago.”  Arguments...

Drudge and LI have something in common.  August 2012 was our best month ever in terms of traffic.  LI had 1,449,541 page views, Drudge had 943,281,513. Of course, I didn’t build it on my own, nobody does.  I was helped by the very generous linkage of Prof. Glenn...

I thought Romney gave an excellent speech. It had a good mix of soaring rhetoric without veering into Greek columns territory. Clearly the speech was intended to help neutralize the “war on women” theme, and I think it was effective.  I also was glad that...

The line in Paul Ryan’s speech about college grads living at home staring at a faded Obama poster was brilliant: College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out...

If you have been following the internets, you can see an anaphylactic reaction among supposed “fact checkers” over Paul Ryan’s brilliantly effective speech last night. The section about the closing of a GM plant in Janesville during the Obama administration has been a particular area of...

We all remembered this weekend the moon landing, upon news of Neil Armstrong’s death. What we didn’t focus on is what would have happened if Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were stranded. Rush just read this speech written by William Safire for Richard Nixon in the...

I’ve written before about the race for North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District between Democrat incumbent, Mike McIntyre, and Republican challenger, State Senator David Rouzer (donate). This tight race in the swing state of North Carolina has been added to the Operation Counterweight final list and in...

Those of us of a certain age have the memories. I was 10 years old at sleep away camp.  I remember them bringing us into the rec hall to watch on the black and white televisions.  I can’t tell you whether it was live or...

No, that’s not a typo or some psychological slip. It’s what I believe to reflect a sea change in how people view the Scott Brown – Elizabeth Warren match-up. Earlier this week PPP released a poll showing Brown ahead by 5 points, and people were...

Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Todd Akin repeated on the Mike Huckabee radio show that he will stay in the race, saying “We are going to continue with this race for U.S. Senate,” which he then confirmed on Dana Loesch’s The Dana Show shortly after: I...

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY.  WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019, the Legal Insurrection Foundation  (“Insurrection” or “Company”), through the websites,,, and, respectively (the “Website” or “Insurrection”) is provided for...

PRIVACY POLICY WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019, the Legal Insurrection Foundation  (“Insurrection” or “Company”), considers the privacy of the users of,,, and  (the “Website”) to be of utmost importance and works to protect it....

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS & CONTENT POLICY WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019 the Legal Insurrection Foundation (“Insurrection”), though the websites, respectively,,,, and (the “Website”) provide users (“Users”) with the ability to create commentary...

for you know what. Lots of speculation and “inside info” on the internets. Update: Perhaps this will provide some clarity (radio link here) Todd Akin on today’s show 12:35 central. #dlrs — Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 21, 2012

PPP finds Todd Akin still leads Claire McCaskill, and that the numbers have not changed much since the controversy broke: Missouri voters strongly disagree with the comments Todd Akin made about abortion over the weekend, but it hasn’t moved the numbers a whole lot in...