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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



The ongoing India-China border dispute turned deadly on Tuesday after 20 Indian soldiers, including a senior army officer, were killed by Chinese troops in the Himalayan region, the Indian army confirmed. Indian "Army has lost one officer and 19 soldiers in a violent face off, newspaper Indian Express reported on Tuesday.

I'm so old I remember when the media would flop onto the nearest fainting couch at the sight of a protester exercising his or her Second Amendment rights.  Remember the wails of horror, fear, and outrage we were treated to when Tea Party activists and, more recently, anti-lockdown protesters were shown lawfully openly carrying perfectly lawful firearms at protests?

So there I was, minding my own business, enjoying my newborn second grandaughter (did I mention that?), when shit rolled downhill at me in the form of fury from some Cornell Law School faculty, alumni, and students, because I told some hard truths and expressed some tough opinions about the start of the organized Black Lives Matter Movement and the recent rioting and looting.

In 2015, we were the first to report on a 14-page Demand List issued by ABUSUA, Oberlin College's Black Students Union, including faculty hiring mandates and tenure promotions for black faculty, as well as a demand to “deconstruct imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy” and to divest from Israel. The Demand List went viral, and is the most-viewed Scribd document we have posted, with over 172,000 reads.