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Obama has bad intentions, according to Charles Krauthammer. News flash! Sure, it’s a mess right now. But maybe a mess is what we needed to get this party in shape. It’s a risky tactic Obama is taking, one which might just as easily backfire, as...

As we move into 2013 and the legal insurrections, we should learn from history. As Thomas Lifson at American Thinker points out, now that the major institutions have been surrendered, it’s time to emulate the left, Here comes the Alinskyite Right: David Gregory and Piers...

I doubt David Gregory intended to violate D.C.’s ban on the possession or transfer of high capacity ammunition magazines when he waved around such a magazine during his interview of Wayne LaPierre yesterday. Prior to yesterday, I never would have thought that possession of an empty...

In the immortal words of Speaker John Boehner (via the New York Times): “God only knows” how Washington is going to get control of its finances. Unlikely as it seems, there may have been more feckless Speakers of the House than John Boehner.  But if...

Via Fox News: A top State Department official acknowledged Thursday that cables warning of serious security concerns at the U.S. compound in Benghazi went to department headquarters – and possibly to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office – in the months leading up to the...

Fiscal cliff? Well that last one might have the post office stumped. A failure to reach a compromise this year just might have big implications for the struggling United States Postal Service. It’s possible that the nearly $20 billion in savings could be part of...

Obama held a press conference today about gun legislation, but almost all of the press questions were about the “fiscal cliff.” Obama’s responses were truly amazing, a spiking-of-the-football approach in which he pocketed Boehner’s concession on tax rates for those making over $1 million, then...

As we debate new gun legislation, shouldn’t we have facts not feelings drive the issue? We’ve heard that mass shootings are on the increase, but they are not. We’ve heard that school homicides and violence are on the rise, but they are not. Dianne Feinstein...

Via The Times of Israel: Israel, a country that often appears to be inundated with weapons, actually extends very few gun permits to civilians — only 2.5 percent of the population can legally carry a firearm. But those who are licensed to carry a weapon...

Just breaking, via NY Times: 9:47 a.m. | Updated Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina has chosen Representative Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the United States Senate, according to Republican officials. The move will make Mr. Scott the first black senator from the...

Obama gave a good speech tonight at the memorial service in Newtown, CT.  It was the type of appropriate speech we expect from any president in time of national tragedy. But, as usual, some people need to make every Obama speech historic, in this case...

Progressive gun control advocates were clamoring for more liberty-crushing legislation immediately after the slaughter of the young students and teachers at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School. Meanwhile, others cry “white privilege” because most mass shooting suspects are white. Yet, one critically important aspect continues to get...

John Kerry to Be Nominated to Be Secretary of State, Sources Say: Sources tell ABC News that President Obama has decided that he will nominate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to be secretary of state. If confirmed, which he will be (emphasis mine): If nominated by the...