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Update:  Looks like Bibi Netanyahu will be selected to put together a government, but is not in as strong a position as expected just weeks ago.  Carl in Jerusalem has all the details and live updates. Carl also updates on something I touched on below,...

I have pointed out before how In RI, Public Sector Unions Are The State and how behind almost every Democratic politician there stands a union. So the latest news is not surprising.  Via ProJo, Laborers’ union again gives two R.I. Senate leaders six-figure compensation: Annual reports...

Obama wants Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders, and he’s squarely placed the blame on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not being willing to go along. I addressed this the other day in my post, Obama’s interference in Israel’s election. Now Netanyahu...

The left-blogosphere is joyous because there were accidental shootings at gun shows and events for Gun Appreciation Day. Really, they’re putting the full snark on, because nothing says “suspend the 2nd Amendment” like accidental shootings:   There’s something much more dangerous. Rock concerts, which have a...

Genealogist Megan Smolenyak is quoted in The Wall Street Journal article about common misperceptions about family lore, “Grandma Did What?” Digging Up the Roots of Family Lore. One of those common misperceptions, according to Smolenyak, is as follows: “Great grandma was a Cherokee.” Many people...

You don’t need to be an expert in Israeli politics to understand that Israeli voters don’t like it when their leaders fight with an American president. That’s nothing new, and it’s not new in the age of Obama. That’s the context in which you need...

I would like to introduce the “Shrine of Flaming Capitalism’s Product of the Month“: The Destino. And flaming is a worthy designation indeed. The Destino is essentially a Fisker body over a Corvette Engine. Legal Insurrection readers may recall Fisker is a company that produces...

I am often asked why I remain a registered Democrat, despite my decidedly fiscal-sanity oriented independent streak. In part, it is how I can effectively fight the “left-right” political paradigm that is being used by the elite media and politicos to divide us, in order...

From James O’Keefe (via Charlie Spiering): Veritas video reporter James O’Keefe has released a new video of his team posing as an anti-gun group promoting an initiative to journalists. At each home, the group dubbed as “Citizens Against Senseless Violence” asks each homeowner if they...

A couple of days ago I charitably described Andrew Cohen’s embarrassingly gushing celebration of Justice Sonia Sotomayor and her new book in The Atlantic as “treacly drool.” It is not alone, accompanied now by a full court liberal press (NPR, CBS News, the New York...

I’ve been giving serious consideration to finally joining the NRA. The people who want to take away your guns (and they would if they could) almost always are the same people who want to control every aspect of your life, from the health care you get to...

The French mathematician and French philosopher Blaise Pascal noted, “The only shame is to have none.” I am going to have to disagree. In today’s environment, the only shame is having it wrongly turned around and used against you. An advantage of having Democrats/former Democrats...