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Yesterday the U.S. State Department for the first time mentioned American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran since September 2012 for speaking out about his Christian views and developing a network of underground churches. While family and friends of the pastor, who...

I don’t think I knew who Aaron Swartz was, but this announcement of his death moved me: Aaron Swartz, online activist and founder of Infogami, a service later merged with Reddit, has committed suicide in New York City on Jan. 11, the Tech reports. The news...

William A. Jacobson is Associate Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. Prof. Jacobson is a 1981 graduate of Hamilton College and a 1984 graduate of Harvard Law School. At Harvard he was Senior Editor of the...

I am still shocked by the Speaker of the House John Boehner’s shock that President Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem.” That Obama is using the debt as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be a surprise to anyone who has followed news...

College Insurrection regularly reports on courses in which aspects of American history are altered to promote a progressive agenda. However, this distortion is not confined to the history of our coutry. One Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) substitute teacher, who has a degree in...

Astute Legal Insurrection readers remarked that much of the “climate change” dialog in this country seems to be directed at getting citizens to support United Nation’s Agenda 21. I wanted to offer some insights on this theoretically voluntary action plan that has environmentally protective sustainable...

Have been away a couple of days, flying and driving and sitting and thinking. As well as taking a pilgrimage to a shrine: It all reminded me of something I wrote after Andrew Breitbart died: Since my wife called this morning to let me know of...

I recently shared some dialog between San Diego citizen activists regarding the roles of social and fiscal conservatism in deciding “tea party” agenda items. Author and “Manosphere” pundit Aaron Clarey (Captain Capitalism) recently offered his very independent perspective, Why Communism Killed the American Muse.  It highlights...

In my Saturday Night Race Card post a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was researching a book on real estate fraud and corruption. The main characters in my narrative are a couple who look like you and me and seem perfectly lovely.  But...

The Council on American Islamist Relations (CAIR) demanded the media drop the term “Islamist” in a commentary piece today from communications director Ibrahim Hooper, ISLAM-OPED: Media Urged to Drop Term ‘Islamist’ in New Year. In it, Hooper laments that the term “Islamist” is “used in an...

We have seen this movie before. A contrived crisis causes a rush to a vote before any legislator or the public has time to read and understand a bill which will have a profound effect on the nation for years if not decades. That’s what...

As is traditional with the season, the end of the year is a chance to look back and reflect on the events that occurred over the past 365 days. And what a year it has been! Here are some stories, beyond the election and the...

The publication of the names of gun permit holders by the NY Lower Hudson Journal News sparked controversy, including publication by a blogger (additional here) of equally personal yet publicly available information about the editors and writers of the Journal News. Now the Journal News...