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I’m glad that my post, Upworthy — or, How we are losing the internet to lowest of low information young liberals, has garnered a fair amount of attention. Mandy Nagy at, has an interesting history, in response, that we all should consider, Why LOLcats Matter in...

Behold “liberal” cartoonist/columnist David Horsey’s latest horsey—- in the Los Angeles Times. It is no wonder Florida Sen. Marco Rubio needed to grab a bottle of water in the middle of delivering the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address. The speech...

Disgusting. And probably will sell for a lot, because it’s history. From ProJo: Bidding is under way for the bloody sock worn by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling in the 2004 World Series, which he put up for sale after the collapse of his...

More hmmm … Via Times of Israel, Ya’alon: Israel’s ‘unique’ situation made ‘Prisoner X’ incarceration necessary: The incarceration of “Prisoner X”, the high-security prisoner who committed suicide in Ayalon Prison in 2010, was made necessary by Israel’s “unique” security situation, Vice Premier and Strategic Affairs...

In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that...

Here’s a lesson in the wages of appeasement. When the manhunt for Christopher Dorner got desperate, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck panicked and announced that he planned to reinvestigate Dorner’s firing which the former cop, according to his Facebook manifesto, blamed on racism. Beck insisted that...

President Obama spoke to students at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago this afternoon, using the occasion to address a basket of issues, including gun control, raising the minimum wage, education spending, and the overall state of our communities. During the 26-minute speech, Obama said that...

One of the saddest stories you will read is the story of Jennifer Morbelli, who died recently along with her unborn daughter during a very late term abortion in Maryland. The story originally was reported by Jill Stanek.  In a series of posts, Robert Stacy McCain reported...

When Antonio Villaraigosa became mayor of Los Angeles in mid 2003, he promised to focus on quality-of-life issues the way Rudy Giuliani had so successfully in New York.  To Angelenos, the number one quality-of-life issue is transit.  Pretty much everything else pales in comparison (as...

I talked to my mother last night, a long-time Democrat who voted for Obama this November. She said that she had tuned out the State of the Union address to pour a class of wine, because it was more of the “same, nasty rhetoric” she...

Gabriel Gomez looks like an interesting Republican candidate for the John Kerry seat. Via MassLive: According to a biography on his campaign website, Gomez was born in Los Angeles to Colombian immigrants. An introductory video features Gomez first introducing himself in Spanish, before switching to...

The House will consider the reauthorization of the Violence against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) today, the same day the Senate voted 78-22 to approve the renewal. In expressing optimism that similar legislation would pass in the House, Senator Leahy pointed to a letter sent from...

I became a Catholic in 2010, in part as a response to my involvement in the Tea Party movement. So, I was very excited about the news that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning: He will be the first head of the Roman Catholic Church to...

On Friday we featured the Stand Up and Cheer speech by Dr. Benjamin Carson, Sr. The speech has received widespread coverage in the right-media, but I’ve notice the left-media, which normally will viciously attack black conservatives, is relatively silent.  (I could only find one fourth-tier...