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I caught part of this rant live, and wasn’t sure what it was about. Beckel going off again. But this time he’s right. Video via Common Cents: But compare to his defensiveness over Hanoi Jane:

1) The President talks to the Israeli people Barry Rubin summarizes President Obama’s message to the young people of Israel whom he addressed at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem yesterday. First: Obama’s big theme is that — and I’m not being satirical here —...

Rhode Island has the highest unemployment rate in the country, it’s crushed by unsustainable public sector salaries and pensions which are protected by union control of the legislature and politicians at every level, it is one of only two states losing population and may lose one...

Remember when this exchange was overheard by journalists about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Sarkozy: “I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.” Obama: “You’re tired of him — what about me? I have to deal with him every day.” After four years of snubbing Israel’s Prime Minister,...

1) Is there any hope left for Mideast honesty in the New York Times A few people have pointed out that I missed an op-ed by Rashid Khalidi, Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? One paragraph really stuck out. Until 1991 most Palestinians, although...

Watching Sarah Palin’s canny performance at CPAC the other day—and particularly the moment she held up that Big Gulp in a Statue of Liberty pose after a provocative double entendre about her “rack”—two words came to mind: Lenny Bruce. In a lot of ways, the...

In part it’s because of an educational culture focused on punishing rambunctious young boys who chew breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun … and incorporating theories such as “white privilege” into school curriculum. We’ve addressed the “white privilege” industry before, including at the...

Cheerleading the Intifada The New York Times has done it again. Less then two weeks after publishing an intellectual attack against Israel, it publishes an article glorifying physical attacks on Israel. The front page story of yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, Is This Where the...

1) When elephants crash land Recently, I brought up an example of how Professor Barry Rubin handled a mistake. First he admitted it. Then he explained the forces involved. His behavior showed a few things. 1) He is serious about what he has written. 2)...

Everything that’s wrong with the corruptocracy known as Los Angeles is contained in this L.A. Times report about the departure of Tim Leiweke as head of Anschutz Entertainment Group—and there’s little doubt, given how the details were spaced out in the 1,000-word story, that reporters...

Just yesterday the dimwits at Politico were writing her off in their usual demeaning terms. I don’t expect she’ll be a candidate again, but today she took CPAC by storm, playing an important role outside the Republican Party structure in saying what needs to be...

The Ranting of Levine Last week the New York Times published an essay by a philosophy professor, James Levine On Questioning the Jewish State. I won’t quote from the essay, but here are some of the responses. Elder of Ziyon argues: In fact, if you...