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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School teenager who was smeared by mainstream media outlets after he stood toe to toe with a professional protester during the march for life, was asked to speak at last night's RNC. Sandmann experienced the full wrath of a national cancellation campaign perpetrated by the media, celebrities, and even higher education.

I'm so old, I remember when the media was alllllllllll about the rioting and looting because justice and George Floyd. But now that it's showing up in the polling, the media isn't so sure. Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it's about the polls.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged parents send their children back to school when they reopen for the first times after five month-long coronavirus shutdown. "Keeping our schools closed a moment longer than absolutely necessary is socially intolerable, economically unsustainable and morally indefensible," Boris Johnson said

Kenosha, WI is under siege by mobs of violent rioters, looters, vandals, and arsonists. The mainstream media is spinning this as a normal reaction to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, but it's obviously a gang of criminal thugs wreaking havoc and destroying lives and livelihoods because they can.  No matter the impetus, this is not okay.

Is 2020 an adjective yet? Because this is so 2020. Fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken will drop their signature "finger lickin' good" slogan saying the “slogan doesn’t feel quite right" during a pandemic. Instead, they'll just go with "it's good!" which is just lame. But they didn't ask me.

We didn't cover the first night of the Republican National Convention 'live' last night because our expectations were so low. Wow, was I surprised at how good it was.