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Some headlines.  Also check out our Israeli blog friends, and the Twitter feed below. ‘Anonymous’ escalates cyber-war against Israel and pro-Israel groups Cabinet OKs 75,000 reservists for possible Gaza operation Senior Hamas terrorist Ahmed Abu Jalal killed in an Israeli air strike in the Maghazi district...

Outside of Google Docs, the word collaborator refers to someone who cooperates with an enemy in a time of war. Gazans in general and Hamas in particular consider themselves to be at war with Israel.  Via the New York Times: Masked gunmen in Gaza summarily...

In addition to taking a look at our Blog Friends in Israel, I’ve created this Twitter widget of news sources for the latest. I have not embedded the #PillarOfDefense hashtag because hastags can get hijacked by hostile Twitter users. The other problem is unreliable reports,...

With Israel on the cusp of a major conflict in Gaza and maybe beyond, pay a visit to and say a prayer for our blog friends in Israel, who are updating the events: Israel Matzav — also known as Carl in Jerusalem. Anne’s Opinions — also...

Via Professor Bainbridge, the Presbyterian Church once again is considering a divestment of Israeli companies as part of an ongoing attempt to boycott everything Israeli: Once again, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is considering divesting from certain companies that do business with the Israeli government. As I explained the...

On March 11, Nicky Larson wrote a column for The Independent (Ireland) hitting on virulent anti-Israel sentiment in Ireland: I used to hate Israel. I used to think the Left was always right. Not any more. Now I loathe Palestinian terrorists. Now I see why...

Next Friday, March 30, the anti-Israeli Global March on Jerusalem will take place, with supposedly millions attempting to breach Israel’s borders to march on Jerusalem. Israel has issue a warning to stay away from the borders, or else: Following the deadly clashes last year during the...

More Pallywood, debunked. As originally reported by the Ministry of Interior of the Palestinian National Authority: Israeli warplanes launched a series of air raids on the Gaza Strip on Monday the latest of which targeted a school in northern Gaza killing a student and wounding...

As readers know, I’ve been critical of the Reform Jewish movement, and the seemingly obsessive support of Democrats and Obama, with the most left elements aligning themselves with groups hostile to Israel under the guise of “balance.” Yet the threats facing Israel now are so great...

Every time one thinks it is impossible for Israel haters to come out with a more bizarre justification for hating Israel, someone comes up with an even more bizarre justification. Today’s exhibit is City University of New York Professor Sara Schulman, who is feverishly anti-Israeli...

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having threated to have warships escort ships seeking to break the Gaza blockade, has walked back those comments, claiming he was taken out of context. But other Turks apparently are getting ready for another type of war with Israel:...

I wasn’t sure Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan really would follow through on threats of a military confrontation with Israel over the Gaza blockade, but the recent U.N. panel decision upholding the legality of the blockade over Turkish protests seems to have sent Erdogan...

From @MargieInTelAviv: I would add one thing, “Easy, just stop firing rockets at us … and sending people across the border to kill us.” Update:  NY Times covers things pretty much as you would expect.

There were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Israel overnight (our time, noon Israeli time).  At least six people were killed, and the attacks apparently emanated, at least in part, from Egyptian territory. Israel Matzav is gathering the latest information. Updates: The Israel Defense...

I’ll be updating links and reports about the Gaza Flotilla 2 throughout the day, although if someone just happened to fall off one of the ships, maybe I’ll do a separate post.  Feel free to add in links in the comments. Israel Matzav has a...