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Gaza Flotilla of Fools (open thread)

Gaza Flotilla of Fools (open thread)

I’ll be updating links and reports about the Gaza Flotilla 2 throughout the day, although if someone just happened to fall off one of the ships, maybe I’ll do a separate post.  Feel free to add in links in the comments.

  • Israel Matzav has a good excerpt from an op-ed in The Irish Independent: “Bizarrely, because it is efficient and prosperous, this tiny country is depicted as being Goliath, while the enormous swathe of ill-governed failing enemy states are seen as David. But Jews are natural scapegoats because they’re so bloody smart, hard-working and successful.”
  • Israel’s security cabinet has ordered the military to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza: “The inner cabinet made up of senior members on Monday also directed the Foreign Ministry to continue its diplomatic efforts to stop the flotilla from setting sail. The flotilla of about 10 ships is scheduled to leave from ports as early as Tuesday, and meet in the Mediterranean Sea where it will continue on to Gaza.”
  • Media reporters are embedded with the ships.  Israel threatened that any reporter found on the ships would be banned from Israel for 10 years, but apparently Israel is pulling back on the threat.
  • Lectures for ship passengers are being held in Greece to instruct them on how to non-vilently confront Israeli soldiers if the ships are boarded.  Of course, the people in the lecture are not the ones who will attack the Israelis, so it’s all a charade.
  • In a story related to something I reported a few weeks ago, the U.N. (shockingly) is about to come out with a report harshly critical of Turkey for Gaza Flotilla 1, and Turkey is trying to get Israel to help soften the report:  “According to the official, the Turks are “very worried” about the harsh criticism of Turkey they expect the report to contain, and want Israel to agree to a softened version as part of a package deal to end the crisis between the two countries over the flotilla, which took place in May 2010.”
  • About 50 people engaged in a sympathy flotilla in the canals of Utrecht.
  • Aw … one of the ships was found with a broken propeller shaft.
  • Turkish Islamists, at least two of whom have ties to Hamas, will be participating on the ships: “Moreover, despite earlier reports, it seems that activists from the Turkish organization IHH, which was involved in the deadly IDF raid on the Mavi Marmara in last year’s Gaza flotilla, will be joining several of the ships sailing for Gaza as part of the flotilla.  Israeli officials claim that two activists participating in the flotilla have connections to Hamas. ‘


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Juba Doobai! | June 27, 2011 at 9:45 am

Israel must stop being so chickensh*t. If you’re gonna ban them for 10 years, do it. Grow some balls, for goodness sake, and teach these morons a hard lesson. If that means banning the anti-Israel idiots masquerading as journalists or putting a hole in the ship, so be it.

Israel’s being subjected to this because it’s a Jewish state in the Middle East, prosperous and strong. Unlike other western countries, Israel has protected it’s self, and hasn’t submitted to the same extent to the globalist’s demands to displace it’s people and abandon it’s religious beliefs and identity to the Godless, one world domination.

One thing that I can not fathom as yet, how these one world government types rationalize their empowerment of Islamists? If one knows history, one sees all too well, how fascist governments rose to power via the help of useful idiots. Whether communist states in the USSR, China, the nazis, fascist socialist Italy, and then those useful idiots, were thrown under the bus, by those they lifted to power. It’s plain that the one worlders are in bed with the Islamists, they don’t care what pain and harm the Islamists do to their own people, or their fellow westerners, who they disagree with. Do these one worlders, whether the useful idiots, and their elitist overlords actually believe they won’t be thrown under the bus by the Islamists they lift to power? Or do they believe that once they completely control the world, they can turn the world’s resources towards crushing their Islamist allies once they’re no longer ‘needed’? I’d give anything to understand why these morons are incapable of learning from history, why they are only painting themselves into a corner.. or do they believe they’ll only have to pay token bribes and be able to preserve the status quo they envision?

Gaza flotilla losing momentum – Israel News, Ynetnews: via @addth

LukeHandCool | June 27, 2011 at 12:16 pm

I’m almost finished reading David Mamet’s “The Secret Knowledge.” From his new book:

“Having no country, we were a convenient object of loathing. Now, having a country, we retain our historical position in the world’s eyes as ‘usurpers’– as if it were possible to house anyone otherwise than on land to which someone must have had some previous claim.”

I don’t know. If I were in Netanyahu’s shoes last year’s flotilla would have mysteriously sunk in the middle of the night, to the puzzlement of all, just like that South Korean ship. And there probably wouldn’t be a flotilla this year.

But if you’re going to stop the boats, all participants including journalists should get prison terms, followed by deportation and permanent exclusion from entering the country. That’s what the USA would do, after all.

    beloved2 in reply to Milhouse. | July 3, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Greece Offers to Send Flotilla Aid to Gaza
    By Calev Ben-David and Maria Petrakis – Jul 3, 2011 10:19 AM MT .
    Business ExchangeBuzz up!DiggPrint Email “…Greece told organizers of a flotilla being detained at its ports it was willing to transfer any aid on the ships to the Palestinians rather than having activists try to break Israel’s naval embargo of the Gaza Strip.

    “Greece declares anew its willingness, and proposes to undertake itself, with Greek ships or other appropriate manner, the transport of humanitarian aid through existing channels, as requested by the UN Secretary General,” the country’s Foreign Ministry said in an e-mailed statement today…”
    This should prove to reasonable people that the issue is not supplies to the Palestinians(I hate to use that word because in actuality they were Jordanian until 1967 when the Eqyptian, Arafat invented the word) but an attack on a sovereign nation’s right to self defense. I strongly object to the use of the stars and stripes on the terrorist flotilla. Wouldn’t Harry Truman be dismayed? Even Richard Nixon revered G-d in 1973 and equipped Golda Meir to save her nation. G-d forgive the U.S.A.
    Professor, saw a bumper sticker at KMart, didn’t have my camera. It said “It’s We the people, not me the president”.

Latest news is that flotilla activists are planning to bring bags of sulfur to use as a chemical weapon against any IDF soldiers boarding the boats. This chemical can be deadly.

I hope I’m not breaking any rules by mentioning my blog post about this which includes links to the JPost and Haaretz reports on this.

Ynet also has the story.

The flotilla will be a feint. The Israelis need to think what else the ratbags can do at the same time.

fousesquawk has a link to “Why a Dutch Journalist leavers ship because of Hamas involvement.”

“Hasna El Maroudi, 26, can be described as a “Dutch pro-Palestinian activist/journalist of Moroccan descent.” She had planned to join other activists aboard a Dutch ship to Gaza, until she learned that she would be going on a secret Hamas-organized mission, and cancelled her participation. On Wednesday she published a rare inside account of what she saw in Greece as the activists were preparing to set sail. This English translation of her account is meant to meant to help her discoveries traverse the language barrier.”

More info available at: