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Although the precise date is not clear, calls have gone out for anti-Israel activists to converge on Israel on or about June 8, in anticipation of a large flotilla of ships trying to break the military sea blockade of Gaza later in June, and additional attempts to crash...

Turkey is threatening unspecified intervention if Israel again uses military action to prevent a flotilla, organized in part by Turkish Islamist groups, from reaching Gaza.  Via AFP: Turkey on Saturday warned Israel against another act of bloodshed in international waters after activists announced plans to send a...

Why yesterday for Obama to unload the demand that Israel withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, with some negotiated land swaps?  Contrary to what some are claiming, this is a new formulation.  Under the Obama formulation, Israel has a land mass fixed by the 1949 armistice lines,...

That’s pretty much the upshot of Obama coming down firmly on the side of the pre-1967 borders being the end result of a peace agreement, plus some land swapping. While some have contended this merely states prior policy, there is an important shift.  Prior policy emphasized...

During the so-called Gaza flotilla last summer, I pointed out that the main goal was to bust the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, in which ship heading for Gaza would be inspected for weapons, to open up sea lanes for shipping large quantities of weapons...

In the aftermath of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt, Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post penned a meme which has become common among the mainstream media and left-blogosphere, that The GOP loves freedom, but not for Egypt: The conservative mantra has been:...

The video below (h/t Markos Krugman) has received a lot of attention because the pro-union protester called someone who apparently supported Gov. Scott Walker a “bad Jew.” But I found equally interesting the woman’s response when the person she called a “bad Jew” asked her...

Last June, in the midst of the “Gaza Flotilla” in which leftists joined Islamists against Israel, I asked Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term?: This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who,...

I wish I had written such a post, but instead I happened upon it via an e-mail sent from a relative.  And it was at HuffPo, of all places. Rarely have I seen someone hit the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel movement the way David Suissa does in...

I have posted about Juan Cole before, including this sadly humorous assertion that protesters chanting “death to America” really just wanted visas to visit Disneyland: Even the ones who are chanting “Death to America,” if you get them to the side, they say well you know “could...

The situation in Egypt does not look dire at this moment, but it does look very serious.  Given the speed with which events can move, the situation could change dramatically for the worse in hours or days. Pursuant to the 1979 peace treaty between Israel...

It’s a good thing Israel eased the blockade of Gaza a few months ago, otherwise it might not have been able to take out Palestinian al-Qaeda operative Mohamed al-Nemnem, who died on November 3 when his car mysteriously exploded in Gaza, with him in it: The...

The organizers of the failed Gaza flotilla last June are at it again, planning a flotilla to Gaza next January.  At least this time they are honest that it has nothing to do with humanitarian efforts. As reported by The Associated Press: Pro-Palestinian groups plan to sail a...

Ethan Bronner of The New York Times has a classic piece on the opening of a luxury mall in Gaza. How does one balance the endless propaganda that Gaza is a concentration camp and that Israelis are committing genocide, with the reality that Gaza exceeds...

Israel has announced an “easing” of the land blockade on Gaza, a largely symbolic step since large quantities of humanitarian and other supplies already enter Gaza. While The NY Times and others portray this as a loss for Israel, which had to bow to world...

The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition has found its most successful tactic — the use of human shields in the form of Western Useful Idiots backed by Islamist Martyrs-in-Waiting to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope that Israel will be forced either to weaken its defenses or...