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Expect Elizabeth Warren supporters to go right after the Ready for Hillary machine

David Frum at The Daily Beast, and Alex Pareene at, each write about Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz, and 2016. Frum sees a Warren run ending in defeat at the hands of the Clinton machine, How Ted Cruz Can Win in 2016: Democrats liked Hillary...

Elizabeth Warren’s student loan proposal to utilize the overnight rate the Fed loans money to banks has been widely criticized even by some liberal commentators as a “cheap political gimmick.” [Note – link is to LI and is safe, some people are getting warnings] There seems to...

This is the second debate, being held at U. Mass. Lowell, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern.  There should be live feeds on,,, and CBS 3 in Springfield . It may also be on CSPAN. David Gregory is the moderator – ugh.  Let me guess...

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here’s my quick take.  (Full video here) Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn’t handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue — the release of...

Update – Warren-Brown Post-Debate Analysis ———————————— This is a live blog of the Scott Brown – Elizabeth Warren Debate sponsored by WBZ CBS Boston. The debate is from 7-8 p.m. Eastern. The live feed is available at the WBZ website and on CSPAN. I will...

A poll by Kimball Political Consulting, apparently a Republican leaning entity, found that the Senate race has tightened. Whereas two weeks ago Brown was up by 6 (consistent with PPP finding Brown up by 5 with likely voters), now Brown is up by less than...

Twila Barnes is a Cherokee genealogist who, along with her Cherokee genealogy team, has done more than anyone to document that Elizabeth Warren does not have Cherokee ancestry and that her family lore stories likely are false. Barnes has published her findings in great detail with...